View Full Version : Help Identifying Mystery IC

paul borgmeier
- 26th May 2007, 06:05
I am trying to tap into an existing board and drive some transistors using a PIC. Right now, the transistors are being driven from the 24 pin chip in the picture labeled:

Si 0706
E6129656 CB
where the Si looks like a lightening bolt “S” followed by an “i”

Can anyone tell me who makes this chip (who is Si) and/or tell me what this chip does?

I thank you in advance for your help.


- 26th May 2007, 09:26
Hi, Paul

This chip seems to come from Supertex inc. ( HV 9980 xx )


package photo here :


probably a supply controller ... but can't find any data.


paul borgmeier
- 27th May 2007, 05:20
Hi Alain,

Thanks thanks thanks - I am a lot closer thanks to your post. I know believe it does complex PWM for multiplexed LED illumination.


- 27th May 2007, 08:51
Hi Alain,

Thanks thanks thanks - I am a lot closer thanks to your post. I know believe it does complex PWM for multiplexed LED illumination.

Hi Paul,
That chip is likely made specificly for that manufacturer. Here is a link to similar off the shelf chips by supertex.


paul borgmeier
- 28th May 2007, 05:10

Thanks for the link - I stumbled across that after Alain posted the main supetex site. That is what led me to believe this 24 pin beast is PWMing stuff since most of the smaller packaged devices that are on the website are PWM units. I also confirmed this yesterday with my scope. I also have a (maybe not so good) lead that pelikon may be involved ...? time will tell and thanks again.


- 28th May 2007, 05:20
Good, nice you found at least some info. Like Joe S, i think it's a custom made model. Specific information on THIS specific one seems impossible to find.

Good luck Mr RabbitResearch... euh... sorry... Paul ;)