View Full Version : Big big big memory or tiny SDs!

Ron Marcus
- 24th May 2007, 21:26
Okay, here's a good one. I need to store some .bmp files for retreival and display on an OLED display. Each file is 48KB, can't be compressed, and I will need at least 25 of them. The largest serial flash memory seems to be around 2 Meg. I'd like at least 8 Meg but I don't want it removable. Any ideas, or will I have to go SD?
And... On that note, has anyone got a line on micro SD card sockets?

- 24th May 2007, 21:37
No need for flash card, M25P16 will be more than enough. 16Mb and SPI. No need for extra annoying socket. small, cheap and reliable.


- 24th May 2007, 21:41
also W25P16VSFIG.

Both above are supported in my BKPrecision 844A.

Never used them so far.

Ron Marcus
- 24th May 2007, 21:46
Thanks Steve,
I have a 1 MByte chip from ST, but I would really like some acreage! How about the memory inside the thumb drives?

- 24th May 2007, 21:52
Thumb drive? USB ones? If so you should have a look to MAX3421E, this should do the trick. Nice reference http://www.ghielectronics.com/details.php?id=13

Those are in stock here... never had any time to play with... :(

SD card pinout

- 24th May 2007, 21:57
Thanks Steve,
I have a 1 MByte chip from ST, but I would really like some acreage! How about the memory inside the thumb drives?

How about the Atmel DataFlash chips? They're gettin' big these days (big as in good capacity)

I played with this awhile back, converted it to PBP (which was a piece of cake). A bit on the slow side, could've had faster transfers had I used the SPI module on the PIC itself.


$2.37USD each at Digikey.

- 25th May 2007, 00:47
How about the Atmel DataFlash chips? They're gettin' big these days (big as in good capacity)

I've also used the Atmel Dataflash (AT45DB321C (32MB)). Worked well with Shiftin/Shiftout. Also worked with the Hardware SPI, just a little harder to setup.

The hardest part is finding a supplier with some in stock. I think I got some obsolete SOIC parts from Arrow (http://www.arrownac.com), but it's been a while. Digi-key lists all of there compenents as Non-Stock (http://dkc1.digikey.com/US/HELP/help09.html), but you might give them a call.


Ron Marcus
- 25th May 2007, 03:48
I found a supplier for the micro SD sockets. I was thinking of breaking out the old "FAT" code and installing it permanently on the board. For my proto, I will more than likely use the ST part. The down side to the SD card is the power consumption...but you can't beat the $15.- price!
Thanks for the leads,

- 25th May 2007, 07:41
The hardest part is finding a supplier with some in stock. I think I got some obsolete SOIC parts from Arrow (http://www.arrownac.com), but it's been a while. Digi-key lists all of there compenents as Non-Stock (http://dkc1.digikey.com/US/HELP/help09.html), but you might give them a call.


I just checked Digikey. Searched for 'Atmel Dataflash' and clicked 'Items in Stock'. I get 42 results for parts in stock, ranging from 1Mbit up to 64Mbit parts.

- 25th May 2007, 18:02
I just checked Digikey. Searched for 'Atmel Dataflash' and clicked 'Items in Stock'. I get 42 results for parts in stock, ranging from 1Mbit up to 64Mbit parts.

Yep. I must have narrowed my previous search too much. 16Mb SOIC for $2.37. :)
