View Full Version : Serout2 escape secuence

- 7th May 2007, 23:37
Dear Forum:

There are a way to print this line over a serial port?

Mi my name is "BETO", how are you?

I have this line:
Serout2 pin,baud,["My name is /"BETO/", how are you? "] ' but this no compiles

so I have tol write:
Serout2 pin,baud,["My name is ",34,BETO,34,", how are you? "] ' this is ok

but I need know why pbp doesnt recognize escape chars '/', i tried also '\' char and doesnt works, I have a old pbp manual an there is not a "escape secuence for string" description.


- 8th May 2007, 04:19
but I need know why pbp doesnt recognize escape chars '/', i tried also '\' char and doesnt works, I have a old pbp manual an there is not a "escape secuence for string" description.

Why doesn't PBP recognize escape characters?
Because it doesn't...
If you don't see it, chances are, it isn't there.

- 8th May 2007, 19:04
Thanks Again!