View Full Version : using all pins of pwm in pic 18f2431

- 3rd May 2007, 05:01
hi, i have a very good question about this PIC.

i want to control 6 motors using just this PIC.

anyone knows how can i use this 6 PWM channels?

i just know how to control 2 motors using HPWM in CCP1 and CCP2 ports.....


- 3rd May 2007, 05:19
hi, i have a very good question about this PIC.
i want to control 6 motors using just this PIC.
anyone knows how can i use this 6 PWM channels?
i just know how to control 2 motors using HPWM in CCP1 and CCP2 ports.....

What kind of motors?
What's the end application?
What kind of PWM frequency do you need?
Do you need full control over the duty cycle? (i.e. 0-100% in 1% steps, 10% steps, etc.etc.)

- 4th May 2007, 14:48
i want to control 6 CD motors, (with this respectives half-h Bridges).
the frequency around 500-X is fine.
i dont need full control over the duty-cycle, aronud 10% steps are fine.
just i need the hardware of this pic working!,
this are for a robotic arm.

- 4th May 2007, 21:43
i want to control 6 CD motors, (with this respectives half-h Bridges).
the frequency around 500-X is fine.
i dont need full control over the duty-cycle, aronud 10% steps are fine.
just i need the hardware of this pic working!,
this are for a robotic arm.

Look around for Darrel Taylor's slow speed software based PWM routines...