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View Full Version : Receiving Packet Array In Usart

- 18th April 2007, 22:03
Is it correct syntax and or possible to receive 8 bytes of data in one command like:

hserin 1,timeout,[DATA1,DATA2,DATA3,DATA4,DATA5,DATA6,DATA7,DATA8]

I seem to only get the 1st digit and sometimes the second.



- 18th April 2007, 22:31
Is it correct syntax and or possible to receive 8 bytes of data in one command like:

hserin 1,timeout,[DATA1,DATA2,DATA3,DATA4,DATA5,DATA6,DATA7,DATA8]

I seem to only get the 1st digit and sometimes the second.



string var byte[8]
cr var byte : cr = 13

HSERIN 1, timeout, [ STR string \cr ]

receives 8 characters ending in a carraige return, or skip the CR at the end.
Page 76-77 of the little green book.

P.S. No need to create multiple threads on the same subject. Most of us will follow the subject matter.