View Full Version : icd and easy pic

- 18th April 2007, 03:46
anybody found a way to use mcsp and icd with this board
board great but would like to use the icd function cant quite fiqure why it should not work anybody ? ideas ?

- 18th April 2007, 15:01
Too bad, as far as i'm aware of, the onboard MikroE ICD work ONLY with their compiler and IDE.

If you have MCSP, you can use it's ICD with the serial comm.... i already use it few times.

you may have to modify your board to add the MCLR control, follow the instruction i provided few times ago on the link bellow.

- 18th April 2007, 18:12
thanks for the responce however i cannot get it to work
does not see reset for some reason have not made revisions yet
cant seem to understand why it not seeing reset pic is reseting
just hangs up on system needs to be reset

works fine on other boards i have and the rs232 functions ok

anywhere to look??
not trying to use mikro icd only mcsp icd with loader

- 18th April 2007, 20:45
if the bootloader work with the suggested mod, the ICD will work. Make sure you properly set the Socket selection and RX/TX jumpers.

Works 100% here. But without the suggested mod... i doubt it will work.