View Full Version : Microcontroller with 2 way paging application problem

- 14th April 2007, 05:53
I am trying to make a 2 way paging system with a TLP-434, RLP-434, TLP-315 and RLP-315. The 434 MHz is the uplink and 315 MHz is the downlink. The uplink works perfectly since it always receives data and does operations on it. But the downlink does not work fully, there are instances where the microcontroller on the receiver side does not receive a signal and sometimes it receives it. I have to send the same code at the receiver (microcontroller attached to the RLP-434 with an output to the TLP-315) The microcontroller I am using is the PIC16F88. I have starred (**) the portions that I think might be having problems with. The code I am using is down below:

'IEEE Encoding
'Transmitter Code
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
u var byte : counter var byte : encode var byte : u = %1101
'u is the byte containing the input in binary, counter is a byte that describes the amount of bits to encode
'encode is the variable holding the encoded value
'Manchester encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If u.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter : serout PORTB.0, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode ] 'send out preamble and encoded from Port B Pin 0
write 0, encode 'Write to EEPROM Location 0
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 1000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
goto main

RECEIVER (RLP-434 output to TLP-315) (works but not sure about serout)
'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : encode var byte: encode2 var byte 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: counter2 var byte'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
'counter2 counts the number of times acknowledge light blinks.
encode1 var byte : action var byte : alert var byte : action2 var byte: B0=1 : B1=1: counter3 var byte
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, alert variable, action variable used for trakcing mode, action2 used for track and find mode, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
c var byte: d var byte: e var byte: s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0
'c (track mode), d (track and find) and e(address) are bytes; initialize all values to zero
'encode holds the encoded variable after ack made in track mode, encode2 holds the encoded variable after ack made in track and find mode.


s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
'High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
'High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

e = s 'Copy s to byte e
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then 'Check if address matches (first two bits)
goto L3 'if it matches go to L3
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 3 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 3 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr

'Tracking mode (mode is based on last two bits)
c=s: d=s: 'Copy s to byte c and s to byte d
If ((c.1=0) and (c.0=0)) Then
action=s: 'Copy s to action byte
action.1=1'set the third bit of action1 to 1 and send it back
'alert = 0: 'set alert to 0
write 3, action 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 6 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B in 1
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 8, encode 'Write encode to EEPROM Location 8
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 5 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter 'Back to beginning of loop
**For counter = 0 to 10 'Send three times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter 'Next number
goto Clr

'Tracking and Finding mode (is based on last two bits)
If ((d.1=0) and (d.0=1)) Then
action2=s 'Copy s to action2 byte
action2.1=1 'set the third bit of action2 to 1 and send back
write 4, action2 'Write to EEPROM Location 4
High 5 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 5 'Low on Port B Pin 4
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encode2.0[counter*2]=0 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode2.0[counter*2]=1 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
'serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and code to Port B Pin 2
write 9, encode2 'Write encode2 to EEPROM Location 9
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter2 = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter2 'Back to beginning of loop
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 50 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
Next counter: 'Back to beginning of loop
**For counter3 = 0 to 5 'Send data times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr


RECEIVER (after RLP-315, downlink) (works sometimes)
'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: 'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
encode1 var byte : B0=0 : B1=1
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
e var byte: s=0: encode1=0:e=0
' e are bytes; initialize s, encode1, and e values to zero
'encode1 holds the encoded variable received.


s=0: encode1=0: e=0: 'encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
High 7 'High on Port B Pin 7
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 7 'Low on Port B Pin 7

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

If ((e.1==1)) Then 'Acknowledgment received because third bit is 1
goto L4 'Jump to L4
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr


write 3, e 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 1 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B in 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e] 'send out preamble and code on PORTB pin 1
goto Clr


- 14th April 2007, 06:23
I remember this....
Anyways, one of the things I suggested was to send a bunch of preamble bytes, wait until you received a bunch, switch to checking for another byte, waiting for that one, then getting your data.
In your program, you send 4 $55's as the preamble. That's good amount for a preamble. I think the problem might be that on your receiver, you also wait for 4 $55's. It takes a little bit of time for those $55's to do their thing, to get the receiver's attention if you want to call it that. In other words, you send 4, but you might only get 2 at the receiver.

Either try sending more than 4 $55's on the transmitter, and leave your receiver code the same, or try looking for only 2 $55's in your receiver and leave the transmitter the same.

- 14th April 2007, 14:39
Also, should I continue to serout more than once at my receiver microcontroller (RLP-434 output to TLP-315)?

- 14th April 2007, 17:02
Also, should I continue to serout more than once at my receiver microcontroller (RLP-434 output to TLP-315)?

Probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Add a byte for a 'data identifier number' and a checksum or something like that so you can receive the same data more than once but only act on it once and only if it's correct.

- 15th April 2007, 00:18
I increased the amount of $55 at the receiver (to transmit) and kept the amount of $55 that the other receiver needs to detect the same, it seems to be working every time. Also, the data that it is receiving is correct also. So, it seems to be working.

- 18th April 2007, 04:05
I updated my code and tested it out. But, I noticed that my code does not work in every case. There is one code that only works for one combination (1101) and nothing else. While there is another code that works for other cominbations (0101,0100,1100) but not one cominbation (1101). What I mean by work is it serouts to the 315 MHz transmitter and lights LEDs at the microcontroller after the 315 MHz receiver. When I serout I send about 8-9 $55, then a $aa, then my encoded data. At the microcontroller after the 315 MHz receiver, I tell it to look for 4 $55 instead of the 8 $55 I sent. I am not sure why this behaves weirdly.

Receiver (after 434 MHz receiver and before 315 MHz transmitter) code 1
(works ONLY for 1101)
'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : encode var byte: encode2 var byte 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: counter2 var byte'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
'counter2 counts the number of times acknowledge light blinks.
encode1 var byte : action var byte : alert var byte : action2 var byte: B0=1 : B1=1: counter3 var byte
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, alert variable, action variable used for trakcing mode, action2 used for track and find mode, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
c var byte: d var byte: e var byte: s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0
'c (track mode), d (track and find) and e(address) are bytes; initialize all values to zero
'encode holds the encoded variable after ack made in track mode, encode2 holds the encoded variable after ack made in track and find mode.


s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
'High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
'High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

e = s 'Copy s to byte e
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then 'Check if address matches (first two bits)
goto L3 'if it matches go to L3
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 3 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 3 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr

'Tracking mode (mode is based on last two bits)
c=s: d=s: 'Copy s to byte c and s to byte d
If ((c.1=0) and (c.0=0)) Then
action=s: 'Copy s to action byte
action.1=1'set the third bit of action1 to 1 and send it back
'alert = 0: 'set alert to 0
write 3, action 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 6 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B in 1
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 8, encode 'Write encode to EEPROM Location 8
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 5 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 50 'Send three times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr

'Tracking and Finding mode (is based on last two bits)
If ((d.1=0) and (d.0=1)) Then
action2=s 'Copy s to action2 byte
action2.1=1 'set the third bit of action2 to 1 and send back
write 4, action2 'Write to EEPROM Location 4
High 5 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 5 'Low on Port B Pin 4
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encode2.0[counter*2]=0 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode2.0[counter*2]=1 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
'serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and code to Port B Pin 2
write 9, encode2 'Write encode2 to EEPROM Location 9
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter2 = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter2 'Back to beginning of loop
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 50 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
Next counter: 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 5 'Send data times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr


- 18th April 2007, 04:06
Receiver (after 434 MHz receiver and before 315 MHz transmitter) code 1
(works for 0101, 0100, 1100)

'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : encode var byte: encode2 var byte 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: counter2 var byte'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
'counter2 counts the number of times acknowledge light blinks.
encode1 var byte : action var byte : alert var byte : action2 var byte: B0=1 : B1=1: counter3 var byte
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, alert variable, action variable used for trakcing mode, action2 used for track and find mode, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
c var byte: d var byte: e var byte: s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0
'c (track mode), d (track and find) and e(address) are bytes; initialize all values to zero
'encode holds the encoded variable after ack made in track mode, encode2 holds the encoded variable after ack made in track and find mode.


s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
'High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
'High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

e = s 'Copy s to byte e
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then 'Check if address matches (first two bits)
goto L3 'if it matches go to L3
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 3 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 3 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr

'Tracking mode (mode is based on last two bits)
c=s: d=s: 'Copy s to byte c and s to byte d
If ((c.1=0) and (c.0=0)) Then
action=s: 'Copy s to action byte
action.1=1'set the third bit of action1 to 1 and send it back
'alert = 0: 'set alert to 0
write 3, action 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 6 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B in 1
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 8, encode 'Write encode to EEPROM Location 8
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 5 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 50 'Send three times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr

'Tracking and Finding mode (is based on last two bits)
If ((d.1=0) and (d.0=1)) Then
action2=s 'Copy s to action2 byte
action2.1=1 'set the third bit of action2 to 1 and send back
write 4, action2 'Write to EEPROM Location 4
High 5 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 5 'Low on Port B Pin 4
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encode2.0[counter*2]=0 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode2.0[counter*2]=1 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
'serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and code to Port B Pin 2
write 9, encode2 'Write encode2 to EEPROM Location 9
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter2 = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter2 'Back to beginning of loop
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 10 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
Next counter: 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 50 'Send data times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr


Receiver code for microcontroller after the 315 MHz receiver.
'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: 'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
encode1 var byte : B0=0 : B1=1
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
e var byte: s=0: encode1=0:e=0
' e are bytes; initialize s, encode1, and e values to zero
'encode1 holds the encoded variable received.


s=0: encode1=0: e=0: 'encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
High 7 'High on Port B Pin 7
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 7 'Low on Port B Pin 7

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

If ((e.1==1)) Then 'Acknowledgment received because third bit is 1
goto L4 'Jump to L4
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr


write 3, e 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 1 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B in 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e.3] 'send out first bit from PORTB Pin 3
serout PORTB.4, n2400, [e.2] 'send out second bit from PORTB Pin 4
goto Clr

- 18th April 2007, 07:01
e = s 'Copy s to byte e

on those two you missed the semicolon. As for the rest, try simple code, 4-5 preambles and a byte to see if you have good communication. Then try two bytes different this time. Your code needs a lot of examination and right now I can't read it.


- 18th April 2007, 16:22
Should I change my preamble to a different byte such as $66, $66, $66, $66, $bb,... or should I increase the size?

- 18th April 2007, 16:29
Should I change my preamble to a different byte such as $66, $66, $66, $66, $bb,... or should I increase the size?

Preamble byte has to be an equal number of 0's and 1's equally spaced. $66/$BB don't work, not equally spaced.

- 18th April 2007, 17:03
Ok, I guess I will keep $55 and $aa. But, I do not understand why my reverse link (315 MHz) works only for some combinations or not at all for other combinations, even though I am sending it 50 times.

- 18th April 2007, 17:24
But, I do not understand why my reverse link (315 MHz) works only for some combinations or not at all for other combinations, even though I am sending it 50 times.

What combo works, and which don't...

- 18th April 2007, 17:32
In the receiver code I posted in post #6 only a code of 1101 works.
In the receiver code I posted in post #7 1100, 0101, 0100 works but not 1101. In all these cases the forward link (434 MHz) works all the time (in the cases where the first two bits (address) are different I changed the two bits (B0, B1) that are hardcoded in the code so that everything will work) but the reverse link (315 MHz) works only for the combinations I specified above.

- 18th April 2007, 17:42
In the receiver code I posted in post #6 only a code of 1101 works.
In the receiver code I posted in post #7 1100, 0101, 0100 works but not 1101. In all these cases the forward link (434 MHz) works all the time (in the cases where the first two bits (address) are different I changed the two bits (B0, B1) that are hardcoded in the code so that everything will work) but the reverse link (315 MHz) works only for the combinations I specified above.

I suspect, in fact I'd bet on, a programming problem, some sort of logic flow problem somewhere. I had a feeling way back when, that all this bit changing was going to cause problems and there had to be an easier way of doing this.
And again, I'd suggest just sending straight numbers back and forth, rather than changing bits around and the like, 'cause you're writing the program now and everything is clear to you. But what happens when you've let the program go for a couple of months and you come back to it to change something. Might not be so clear then why you did whatever...

- 18th April 2007, 17:52
Would it be smarter if I just transmit two bits back because I only need the address bits on the other side anyway. That would not involve any bit changing just sending two bits. Also, would there be any reason why the microcontroller would not pick up anything on the other side or do it intermittently even though I am sending the same thing repeatedly? Also, if I were to do that how could, could I just reencode the code that was received and then send only the 4/8 bits that are part of the address, something like: serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode.4, encode.5, encode.6, encode.7 ]?

- 18th April 2007, 18:18
Would it be smarter if I just transmit two bits back because I only need the address bits on the other side anyway. That would not involve any bit changing just sending two bits. Also, would there be any reason why the microcontroller would not pick up anything on the other side or do it intermittently even though I am sending the same thing repeatedly? Also, if I were to do that how could, could I just reencode the code that was received and then send only the 4/8 bits that are part of the address?

Well, what I'm getting at is that you're only receiving X number of possible numbers which means that you're only going to send out X number of possible number. You could replace all that bit changing business with something like:
If X = 10 then X = 15...
Yes, it would probably be a bit more complicated than that, but you could 'name' all of your numbers (i.e. const warning=10 const alert=12 tracking=14 and so on) so you could more easily keep track of everything.

- 18th April 2007, 18:46
I changed it so that it will only send the first two bits of the code that I sent in (the address). Did I write the code properly so that it will only take the address bits correctly. For example if my code is 1100, the address bits are 11 which are the third and fourth bit.

For counter = 3 to 4 'take out address bits, (first two bits)
Next counter

- 18th April 2007, 18:55
I changed it so that it will only send the first two bits of the code that I sent in (the address). Did I write the code properly so that it will only take the address bits correctly. For example if my code is 1100, the address bits are 11 which are the third and fourth bit.

For counter = 3 to 4 'take out address bits, (first two bits)
Next counter

No, they are the 2nd and 3rd bit.
Remember, we start counting from 0, not 1.

- 18th April 2007, 22:34
I figured out that if I connect the two PICs I am having trouble with by a wire it works properly. But, when I use the RF modules it does not work properly and sometimes it reads in the wrong data.

- 18th April 2007, 22:41
I figured out that if I connect the two PICs I am having trouble with by a wire it works properly. But, when I use the RF modules it does not work properly and sometimes it reads in the wrong data.

Which is why I suggested using some sort of checksum or data identifier way back in post #4.

- 18th April 2007, 23:15
Can you give me an example of how to use checksum or a data identifier in my program? Also, is it a problem if I have to send it multiple times for the PIC to pick it up by wire?

- 18th April 2007, 23:29
Can you give me an example of how to use checksum or a data identifier in my program? Also, is it a problem if I have to send it multiple times for the PIC to pick it up by wire?

Transmit the data, and also transmit it's complement (ie. transmit a $00, also send an $fe, transmit a $01, also send an $fd). Add them both up, they come out to $FF.
At the receiver, get 2 bytes, add them up, if they don't come up to $FF, the packet isn't any good, reject it, maybe even send a seperate reject code back to the TX.
Hundred ways to do this...

- 19th April 2007, 04:50
I find that sometimes when I connect by wire it doesn't work. Sometimes my wireless connection works if I first connect the wire remove it and then I reconnect my wireless connection it works again. I'm not sure if the serout is not working correctly or the serin is not working correctly.

Receiver (434)
'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : encode var byte: encode2 var byte 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: counter2 var byte'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
'counter2 counts the number of times acknowledge light blinks.
encode1 var byte : action var byte : alert var byte : action2 var byte: B0=0 : B1=1: counter3 var byte
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, alert variable, action variable used for trakcing mode, action2 used for track and find mode, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
c var byte: d var byte: e var byte: s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0
'c (track mode), d (track and find) and e(address) are bytes; initialize all values to zero
'encode holds the encoded variable after ack made in track mode, encode2 holds the encoded variable after ack made in track and find mode.


s=0: encode1=0: c=0: d=0: e=0: action =0: action2=0: encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
'High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
'High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
'Pause 2000 'Pause
'Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

e = s 'Copy s to byte e
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then 'Check if address matches (first two bits)
goto L3 'if it matches go to L3
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 3 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 3 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr

'Tracking mode (mode is based on last two bits)
c=s: d=s: 'Copy s to byte c and s to byte d
If ((c.1=0) and (c.0=0)) Then
action=s: 'Copy s to action byte
action.1=1'set the third bit of action1 to 1 and send it back
'alert = 0: 'set alert to 0
write 3, action 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 6 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B in 1
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 8, encode 'Write encode to EEPROM Location 8
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 5 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 50 'Send three times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr

'Tracking and Finding mode (is based on last two bits)
If ((d.1=0) and (d.0=1)) Then
action2=s 'Copy s to action2 byte
action2.1=1 'set the third bit of action2 to 1 and send back
write 4, action2 'Write to EEPROM Location 4
High 5 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 5 'Low on Port B Pin 4
'Manchester Encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encode2.0[counter*2]=0 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode2.0[counter*2]=1 : encode2.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
'serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and code to Port B Pin 2
write 9, encode2 'Write encode2 to EEPROM Location 9
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter2 = 0 to 5 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 4 'High on Port B Pin 4
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 4 'Low on Port B Pin 4
Next counter2 'Back to beginning of loop
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 4
For counter = 0 to 10 'Blink LED 50 times
Pause 400 'Pause
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 400 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
Next counter: 'Back to beginning of loop
For counter3 = 0 to 50 'Send data times
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $55, $aa , encode2 ] 'send out preamble and encode on PORTB pin 2
Next counter3 'Next number
goto Clr


Receiver (315)

'IEEE encoding
Include "Modedefs.bas"
'trisb = 0
s var byte : B0 var bit : B1 var bit : 's is byte to be encoded, B0 and B1 is byte for the hardwired address (first two bits)
counter var byte : ct55 var byte: 'counter is the amt of bit which is 4 in the input is byte and ct55 is to count the $55 byte
encode1 var byte : B0=0 : B1=1
'encode1 byte sized variable that holds encoded byte s, B0 and B1 are the hardwired address
e var byte: s=0: encode1=0:e=0
' e are bytes; initialize s, encode1, and e values to zero
'encode1 holds the encoded variable received.


s=0: encode1=0: e=0: 'encode2=0 'initialize variables to zero

ct55 = 0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1
If encode1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1 '$55 read, increase ct55 by 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa 'if $55 occurs 4 times in a row check for $aa
goto maina 'if not $55, reset counter at main and restart
goto wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 'wait for $aa
If encode1 <> $aa Then goto Maina 'restart, incorrect leader bit
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encode1 : 'serout PORTB.4, n2400, [encode1] take in from Port B Pin 0 to encoded1 output to Port B Pin 3 contents in encode1
write 0,encode1 'write to EEPROM Location 0
High 7 'High on Port B Pin 7
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 7 'Low on Port B Pin 7

For counter=0 to 3:s.0[counter]=encode1.0[counter*2]:Next counter 'Go through counter place bit 0, 2, 4, 6 in s
'serout PORTB.3, n2400, [s] 'Ouptut decoded message s to Port B Pin 3
write 1, s 'write to EEPROM Location 1
High 6 'High on Port B Pin 6
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 6 'Low on Port B Pin 6

If ((e.1==1)) Then 'Acknowledgment received because third bit is 1
goto L4 'Jump to L4
write 2,s 'Write to EEPROM Location 2
High 2 'High on Port B Pin 2
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 2 'Low on Port B Pin 2
goto Clr


write 3, e 'Write to EEPROM Location 3
High 1 'High on Port B in 1
Pause 2000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B in 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e.3] 'send out first bit from PORTB Pin 3
serout PORTB.4, n2400, [e.2] 'send out second bit from PORTB Pin 4
goto Clr


- 19th April 2007, 04:53
I find that sometimes when I connect by wire it doesn't work. Sometimes my wireless connection works if I first connect the wire remove it and then I reconnect my wireless connection it works again. I'm not sure if the serout is not working correctly or the serin is not working correctly.

Sounds like a goofy ground wire/connection somewhere, induced capacitance, missing pullup or pulldown, etc., maybe a sloppy PCB.
Are you working on a solderless breadboard?

- 19th April 2007, 05:12
Yes, I am using a breadboard. Do you think it is possible that maybe that area of the breadboard is messed up?
Could it be a training problem for the transmitter/receiver also?

- 19th April 2007, 07:32
Yes, I am using a breadboard. Do you think it is possible that maybe that area of the breadboard is messed up?
Could it be a training problem for the transmitter/receiver also?

Hello oneohthree,
I just trashed 4 breadboards due to corrosion. The contacts also wear out too. I really got tired of fighting to get even simple things to work, Oscillator sometimes wouldn't run, poor connections, bad things happen when components like PIC lose grounds too, anyway its worthwhile to check.

- 19th April 2007, 09:00
And you STILL DID NOT put those semicolons....

Also I would choose a different setup for the serin command. Maybe with a time out and a wait character.This would require the Serin2 though...


P.S. Also why don't you try simple things first, like send one character then two and see what happens. After that try the manchester encoding and if succesful try the CRC or checksum. Take it step by step. You program is too long to follow and debug. About this routines (manchester and CRC) there are link on this forum. Do a search and find. One is Melanies and one is mine.

- 19th April 2007, 16:13
The serial out I plan to use at transmitter:
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [ "A" , encode2 ]

The serial in I plan to use at receiver:
serin2 PORTB.0, n2400, [WAIT("A"),BIN8 encode1] 'take in data at pin 0 and place in encoded1

I discover that this does not work so I reverted back to my old code which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's either a serin problem, serout problem or a transmitter/receiver problem. I will also try to change the breadboard to see if it helps.

- 20th April 2007, 04:42
I cleaned up my microcontroller codes. I am doing serout only once this time with 4 $55 and 1 $aa in the preamble. The problem now is my PIC to PIC communication works perfectly with a wire. But when I connected them to the TLP-315 and RLP-315 transmitter and receiver pairs it either does not work or works intermittently. I told the receiver to count for $55 four times. I am using a breadboards. On one breadboard I have a 315 MHz receiver and 434 MHz transmitter and the other breadboard I have a 315 MHz transmitter and 434 MHz receiver. After I get this problem fixed I will be putting it on a PCB. I have been trying all different combinations for the past week but it seems like my 315 MHz receivers are not working like they should.
I do not know what is wrong I am basically doing the same thing in both links but one link works while the other does not. My link from 434 mhz transmitter to 434 mhz receiver is working but my link from 315 mhz transmitter to 315 Mhz receiver is working intermittently. I am using both PIC16F84A and PIC16F88. Is this a PIC problem or a RF module problem.

'IEEE Encoding
'Transmitter Code
Include "Modedefs.bas"
trisb = 0
u var byte : counter var byte : encode var byte : u = %1000
'u is the byte containing the input in binary, counter is a byte that describes the amount of bits to encode
'encode is the variable holding the encoded value
'Manchester encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If u.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter :
write 0, encode 'Write to EEPROM Location 0
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 1000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
serout PORTB.0, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode ]: 'send out preamble and encoded from Port B Pin 0
goto main

Receiver (434 to 315)
Include "Modedefs.bas"

ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte: action var byte:
encoded var byte: encoded2 var byte: action2 var byte: B0 var bit: B1 var bit: B0=1: B1=0
s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: counter = 0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0:


s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0

ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa
goto Maina
goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]:Next counter
write 1,s

e = s:
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then
goto L3
write 2, s
goto Clr

If((s.1=0) and (s.0=0)) Then
write 3, action
High 6
Pause 1000
Low 6
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded.0[counter*2]=0 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=1
encoded.0[counter*2]=1 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=0
Next counter:
write 8, encoded
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter:
'For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55,$55,$55,$aa, encoded]
goto Clr
'Next counter:


If ((s.1=0) and (s.0=1)) Then
action2 = s: action2.1 = 1:
write 4, action2
High 5
Pause 2000
Low 5
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 0: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 1
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 1: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 0
Next counter:
write 9, encoded2
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter
Low 1
For counter = 0 to 10
Pause 400
High 1
Pause 400
Low 1
Next counter:
'For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55, $55, $55,$aa, encoded2]
goto Clr
'Next counter


Receiver code (315 Link)
Include "Modedefs.bas"
ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte:
s = 0: e = 0: encoded1 = 0: counter = 0:


ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 = $55 Then ct55 = ct55 + 1
If ct55 = 4 Then
goto Waitaa
goto Wait55
'goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]: Next counter
write 1,s

If (s.1=1) Then
goto L4
write 2,s
High 2
Pause 1000
Low 2
goto Maina

e = s
write 3, e
High 1
Pause 1000
Low 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e]
goto Maina


- 20th April 2007, 07:49
Delete the colon from the Next counter command!

'Transmitter Code
Include "Modedefs.bas"
trisb = 0
u var byte : counter var byte : encode var byte : u = %1000
'u is the byte containing the input in binary, counter is a byte that describes the amount of bits to encode
'encode is the variable holding the encoded value
'Manchester encoding
For counter = 0 to 3
If u.0[counter]=0 Then
encode.0[counter*2]=0 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=1 'If it is a zero make the first bit 0 and second bit 1
encode.0[counter*2]=1 : encode.0[counter*2+1]=0 'If not then make first bit 1 and second bit 0
Next counter : <<<<<<<<<<<------- Here!!
write 0, encode 'Write to EEPROM Location 0
High 1 'High on Port B Pin 1
Pause 1000 'Pause
Low 1 'Low on Port B Pin 1
serout PORTB.0, n2400, [ $55 , $55 ,$55, $55, $aa , encode ]: 'send out preamble and encoded from Port B Pin 0
goto main

You do not need to count the preamble bytes. Just wait for the start character, $AA, and grab the next character

Receiver (434 to 315)
Include "Modedefs.bas"

ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte: action var byte:
encoded var byte: encoded2 var byte: action2 var byte: B0 var bit: B1 var bit: B0=1: B1=0
s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: counter = 0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0:


s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0

ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

''''''''''''serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
''''''''''''If encoded1 = $55 Then
''''''''''''ct55 = ct55 + 1
''''''''''''If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa
''''''''''''goto Maina
''''''''''''goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, [($AA)],encoded1
write 0, encoded1

I think here you have error in decoding the manchester. I suggest thew following:

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]:Next counter
write 1,s

For counter=0 TO 3
IF encoded1.0[counter*2]=0 Then
IF encoded1.0[counter*2+1]=1 Then

e = s: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DO NOT PUT SPACES IN LABELS!!!

I have no time to follow the rest of your code now. Please try the suggested encoding for the transmission and see how it goes for one direction. Then try it on the other direction and make sure you have good RF com.


- 20th April 2007, 17:27
I think my decoding is ok. When I tried my decoding and your decoding the same result happened. But when I only wait for $AA it messes up my data. I tested it by putting a PIC next to the transmitter with a precoded sequence and sent it across. I get an incorrect message at the output and the correct message. Then I changed it to using serin2 but that only works by wire. By wireless, it works when I send the data multiple times but wrong data and correct data is coming through. It seems like my data is not getting transmitted correctly through the RF Link modules or there is a synchronization problem. Should I enter pauses or add more of a training sequence to prevent this from happening?

New Receiver code (434 and 315)
Include "Modedefs.bas"

ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte: action var byte:
encoded var byte: encoded2 var byte: action2 var byte: B0 var bit: B1 var bit: B0=0: B1=1
s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: counter = 0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0:


s=0: e=0: encoded1=0: action=0: action2=0: encoded=0: encoded2=0

ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 = $55 Then
ct55 = ct55 + 1
If ct55 = 4 Then goto Waitaa
goto Maina
goto Wait55

serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]:Next counter
write 1,s

e = s
If ((e.3=B0) and (e.2=B1)) Then
goto L3
write 2, s
goto Clr

If((s.1=0) and (s.0=0)) Then
write 3, action
High 6
Pause 1000
Low 6
For counter = 0 to 3
If action.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded.0[counter*2]=0 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=1
encoded.0[counter*2]=1 : encoded.0[counter*2+1]=0
Next counter:
write 8, encoded
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter:
For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55,$55,$55,$aa, encoded]
Next counter
goto Clr
'Next counter


If ((s.1=0) and (s.0=1)) Then
action2 = s: action2.1 = 1:
write 4, action2
High 5
Pause 2000
Low 5
For counter = 0 to 3
If action2.0[counter]=0 Then
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 0: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 1
encoded2.0[counter*2] = 1: encoded2.0[counter*2+1] = 0
Next counter:
write 9, encoded2
Low 4
For counter = 0 to 4
Pause 400
High 4
Pause 400
Low 4
Next counter
Low 1
For counter = 0 to 10
Pause 400
High 1
Pause 400
Low 1
Next counter:
For counter = 0 to 5
serout PORTB.2, n2400, [$55,$55, $55, $55,$aa, encoded2]
Next counter
goto Clr

Include "Modedefs.bas"
ct55 var byte: encoded1 var byte: s var byte: counter var byte: e var byte: c var byte
s = 0: e = 0: encoded1 = 0: counter = 0: c = 0:


ct55=0 'counter for $55 is zero

'serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
'If encoded1 = $55 Then ct55 = ct55 + 1
'If ct55 = 4 Then
'goto Waitaa
'goto Wait55
'goto Wait55

'Pause 1000
serin2 PORTB.0, 16780, [WAIT($55, $55, $55, $55, $aa) , encoded1]
'serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
'If encoded1 <> $aa Then goto Maina
'serin PORTB.0, n2400, encoded1
write 0, encoded1

For counter = 0 to 3 : s.0[counter] = encoded1.0[counter*2]: Next counter

write 1,s
c = s
If (c.1=1) Then
goto L4
write 2,s
High 2
Pause 1000
Low 2
goto Maina

e = s
write 3, e
High 1
Pause 1000
Low 1
serout PORTB.3, n2400, [e]
goto Maina
