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View Full Version : MPLAB ICD2 Error

- 12th April 2007, 02:32
It's been a while since my last post.

I am trying a new PIC - 18F2331 - and can't seem to get a compile to happen. I am using an ICD2 in MPLAB with PBP. All I'm starting with is flashing the old led.
I have tried the ICDDEFS(all of them) to no avail. I still get this:
"ERROR: Variable ICDRESERVED12 position request 1524 beyond RAM_END 767.Halting build on first failure as requested."

I had been using a 252 previously but wanted to get into the PWM stuff with the 2331.

Any ideas/help appreciated.

- 12th April 2007, 02:51
The '252 has about 1536 bytes of ram, the '4331 only has 768 bytes.
Cut down your variables. Try commenting some of them out and see what happens.

- 12th April 2007, 18:06
Have you tried ICDDEFS3.BAS?

It should read: ICDRESERVED12 VAR BYTE(12) $2f4

That one should work for the 18F2331.

- 12th April 2007, 18:20
I referenced the '4331, just noticed it's actually the '2331 that's noted above...
Regardless, both of them still have less ram than the '452.

- 16th April 2007, 14:19
Thanks for the replies.
I did have a memory issue and have now solved that(with help from a friend:).