View Full Version : PIC 16F684 Configuration Settings

- 10th April 2007, 16:17
Am having trouble getting some pins of the PIC 16F684 to go high using the command "HIGH pin". I noticed the issue when I was writing code that turns particular ports high. I have since used a DIP pic on the breadboard and tested my program on it. By setting pins 5 to 13 to go high, I find that consistently only pins 5, 6, and 11 are working. I have tested this program on 3 Pics and am sure its not a hardware issue.
Am attaching the program written in PBP looking for some suggestions. Am using ME Programmer Beta software, the code is in PICBasicPro 2.47 and the programmer is ME Labs U2 USB programmer. Please test the program below using the PIC16F684 and if it works for you then advice on the configurations
you used because am thinking this might be the issue.

'Port operation configurations
VRCON=%00000000 'CVref turned off

; Program Variables
Loop VAR BYTE ;general loop counter for LED flashing

; Constant definitions
Outp CON 0
Inp CON 1

'Assign Ports to simple name
LowVoltage VAR PortA.0 'Battery low voltage detection port
ReedSwitchState var PORTA.1 'Reed Switch ON and OFF state line
HoldTxON VAR PORTC.0 'Hold Tx ON when water contacts activated
Tx_Data VAR PORTC.1 'Transmit Data Line
Tx1_Enable VAR PORTC.2 'Transmit 121.5Mhz Line
Tx2_Enable VAR PORTC.3 'Tranmit 156MHz Line
MotorControl_1 VAR PORTC.5 'Activate Release Mechanism
MotorControl_2 VAR PORTC.4 'Activate Latch Mechanism

'Initialize port states
TrisA.0=Outp 'set batt low voltage detection to input
TrisA.1=Outp 'set Reed switch state to input
TrisA.2=Outp 'set led transmission to output
TrisC.0=Outp 'set Hold Tx Line ON to output
TrisC.1=Outp 'set Transmit data line to output
TrisC.2=Outp 'set Transmit @121.5 to output
TrisC.3=Outp 'set Transmit @156 to output
TrisC.4=Outp 'set Motorcontrol_1 to output
TrisC.5=Outp 'set Motorcontrol_2 to output

Goto Main
;************************************************* *****************************
LOW HoldTxON ; Initialize by turning clearing all the outputs
low LED
low Tx_Data
Low Tx1_Enable
low Tx2_Enable
Low MotorControl_1
LOW MotorControl_2

GOTO TurnOnTransmitter
'************************************************* *****************************


for loop=0 to 20

HIGH Holdtxon
HIGH Tx_Data
HIGH Tx1_Enable
HIGH Tx2_Enable
HIGH MotorControl_1
HIGH MotorControl_2

pause 5000
next loop

goto turnontransmitter

- 10th April 2007, 16:24
Check Section 4 of the Pic16F684 datasheet. Your answer awaits you there.

- 11th April 2007, 15:18
Thanks, The ANSEL register set seemed to have worked for me