View Full Version : Parse Strings from (Assembly) Serial Interrupt

- 10th April 2007, 15:56
Can someone help me out I am using an example I found here: http://www.melabs.com/resources/samples/18F/serA452.bas

I want to be able to send commands from a PC such as ADR,GET\r and ADR,SET,100\r etc. I just can't figure out how to decode the incoming data.

The HSERIN command works but its too slow for my application and it hangs up if I try to send multiple commands at the same time.

The following code works...but not all the time. It seems to miss (i'm assumming the index_out has something to do with it) I don't know assembly language but is there a way to modify the asm routine to read up to a terminating char such as a CR or LF and clear the buffer?

I'm using an 18F6722 running a 40MHz xtal

include "modedefs.bas"
'************************************************* *********
DEfine INTHAND SerialInterrupt
define HSER_RCSTA 144
define HSER_TXSTA 32
define HSER_BAUD 9600
define OSC 40

'************************************************* *********
Baud con 16468
Size con 15
Address var BYTE
buffer var BYTE[15]
wsave var BYTE 32 SYSTEM
ssave var BYTE Bank0 SYSTEM
fsave var WORD Bank0 SYSTEM
index_in var BYTE BankA
index_out var BYTE BankA
errflag var BYTE BankA


'************************************************* *********
goto Initialize

'************* Assembly Language Serial Receive ***********
; Save the state of critical registers
movwf wsave ; Save W
swapf STATUS, W ; Swap STATUS to W (swap avoids changing STATUS)
clrf STATUS ; Clear STATUS
movwf ssave ; Save swapped STATUS

; Save the FSR value because it gets changed below
movf FSR0L, W ; Move FSR0 lowbyte to W
movwf fsave ; Save FSR0 lowbyte
movf FSR0H, W ; Move FSR0 highbyte to W
movwf fsave+1 ; Save FSR0 highbyte

; Check for hardware overrun error
btfsc RCSTA1,OERR ; Check for usart overrun
GoTo usart_err ; jump to assembly error routine

; Test for buffer overrun
incf _index_in, W ; Increment index_in to W
subwf _index_out, W ; Subtract indexes to test for buffer overrun
btfsc STATUS,Z ; check for zero (index_in = index_out)
GoTo buffer_err ; jump to error routine if zero

; Increment the index_in pointer and reset it if it's outside the ring buffer
incf _index_in, F ; Increment index_in to index_in
movf _index_in, W ; Move new index_in to W
sublw _Size-1 ; Subtract index_in from buffer_size-1
btfss STATUS,C ; If index_in => buffer_size
clrf _index_in ; Clear index_in

; Set FSR0 with the location of the next empty location in buffer
movlw Low _buffer ; Move lowbyte of buffer[0] address to W
movwf FSR0L ; Move W to lowbyte of FSR0
movlw High _buffer ; Move highbyte of buffer[0] address to W
movwf FSR0H ; Move W to highbyte of FSR0

; Read and store the character from the USART
movf _index_in, W ; W must hold the offset value for the next empty location
movff RCREG1, PLUSW0 ; Move the character in RCREG to address (FSR0+W)

; Restore FSR, PCLATH, STATUS and W registers
movf fsave, W ; retrieve FSR0 lowbyte value
movwf FSR0L ; Restore it to FSR0 lowbyte
movf fsave+1, W ; retrieve FSR0 highbyte value
movwf FSR0H ; Restore it to FSR0 highbyte
swapf ssave, W ; Retrieve the swapped STATUS value (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
movwf STATUS ; Restore it to STATUS
swapf wsave, F ; Swap the stored W value
swapf wsave, W ; Restore it to W (swap to avoid changing STATUS)
retfie ; Return from the interrupt

; Error routines
buffer_err ; Jump here on buffer error
bsf _errflag,1 ; Set the buffer flag
usart_err ; Jump here on USART error
bsf _errflag,0 ; Set the USART flag
movf RCREG1, W ; Trash the received character
GoTo finished ; Restore state and return to program


'************************************************* ******************************

'************************ Main Loop *************************
if(errflag) then error
if (index_in == index_out) then goto main
gosub Serial_Receive
if(Buffer[index_out + 1]="A") && (Buffer[index_out + 2]="D")&&(Buffer[index_out + 3]="R")&&(Buffer[index_out + 4]=",")&&(Buffer[index_out + 5]="G")&&(Buffer[index_out + 6]="E")&&(Buffer[index_out + 7]="T") then gosub GET_ADDRESS

goto MAIN

'******************** Serial Receive *************************

index_out=(index_out + 1)
if(index_out == Size) then index_out=0

'******************** Receive Error *************************
goto main

'******************** Read Address *************************

Peek PORTD,Address

- 10th April 2007, 16:17
Hello...Can someone help me out I am using an example I found here: http://www.melabs.com/resources/samples/18F/serA452.bas
I want to be able to send commands from a PC such as ADR,GET\r and ADR,SET,100\r etc. I just can't figure out how to decode the incoming data.
The HSERIN command works but its too slow for my application and it hangs up if I try to send multiple commands at the same time.
The following code works...but not all the time. It seems to miss (i'm assumming the index_out has something to do with it) I don't know assembly language but is there a way to modify the asm routine to read up to a terminating char such as a CR or LF and clear the buffer?
I'm using an 18F6722 running a 40MHz xtal

Guaranteed that a '6722 running at 40mhz can surely handle 9600 baud, whether you're using SERIN2/OUT2 or HSERIN/OUT. It's a matter of setting up your timeout values, and getting your program's flow set up correctly so it doesn't look like it's hanging up anywhere.

As far as reading up to a CR/LF, check your little green manual. You can receive X characters optionally terminating in a specific character using those same serial commands.