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View Full Version : PWM pic16f873a(can i use timer2?)

- 3rd April 2007, 13:45
I am using pic16f873a,
i using timer2 for pwm, so can i use the same timer for other purpose?

- 3rd April 2007, 13:56
I am using pic16f873a,
i using timer2 for pwm, so can i use the same timer for other purpose?

What does the datasheet say about timer2 and any interrupts it may affect while in operation with the PWM module?

Darrel Taylor
- 3rd April 2007, 19:49

Do you have any idea how annoying this RTFM stuff is getting.
It's the guy's first post. He can't possibly have read all the datasheets and manuals.
Please take one at your earliest convenience.<hr>


Timers can only do one thing at a time.

- 3rd April 2007, 20:44
I was getting to that... Like always, I'm just waiting for any reference to any datasheet, manual, anything, that might signify any sort of effort in trying to solve any problem at all.