View Full Version : Xin/Xout Status Request

- 20th March 2007, 17:10
I have a 2-way module and a TW523 2-way interface.

I am able to send on, off, etc code to the modules, and read commands sent by controllers.

I am looking for some help sending a STATUS request to my 2 way module.

This pages (http://www.kelleecrisafulli.com/images/HomeAutomation/X10FAQ3.htm) says that I need to send 11111 for a status request. I tried this, but it does not work. The strange thing is that none of these codes match up with the PICbasic codes for on, off etc.

XOUT X10Out,zCross,[house\unit,House\%11111]
XIN X10in,zCross,[housekey]
SerOut2 PORTA.3,16468,#housekey,13,10]

Any help would be appreciated

Darrel Taylor
- 20th March 2007, 18:16
XOUT translates the codes to be compatible with the BS2. (ugg)

If you use ...

It turns off the translation, then you can use the codes from the table you were refering to.

Note: All the ON/OFF etc. codes will be different too.

- 20th March 2007, 19:11
Thanks for the info. Do you know what the conversion factor is? I would rather just have to convert the %11111 instead of converting all of the other codes in my program.


Darrel Taylor
- 20th March 2007, 19:59
Well if I've done the backwards translation correct ....


Should be the "Status Request".

The way it translates is... (suedo code)

temp = (Keycode + 4) & $0F
if Keycode.4 = 1 then temp = temp + $10
if temp.2 = 1 then temp = temp ^ 2

So by entering %11001 for the KeyCode, it should end up with %11111, which is "Status Request"

- 20th March 2007, 20:16
Thanks so much for your help. I will try it tonight and post back.

- 21st March 2007, 01:32
Think I am on the right track.

Sending XOUT X10Out,zCross,[house\unit,House\%11001] returns 517 (1000000101) if the module is on or off. Any ideas why I am getting the same answer for both states?


Darrel Taylor
- 21st March 2007, 02:59
Are you sure that module is "Status Request" capable ?

Not all of them are.

- 21st March 2007, 03:22
Yes, it is a SmartHome ApplianceLinc 2-way #2002STW. Clearly says 2-way on it. Have also tried to (re)enable 2-way mode through programming.

Darrel Taylor
- 21st March 2007, 03:43
How many words are you receiving?

From what I gather, the first word is the dimmer status. For On/Off Appliance modules, it's probably meaningless.

The second word is the ON/OFF status.

- 21st March 2007, 12:02
I thought about that in the middle of the night myself. If I Xin a second time I do get an On/off reading. Everything is working well.

Thanks again for all your help and feedback

Darrel Taylor
- 21st March 2007, 16:41

That's good news.

Just thought I'd fill in a few more blanks missing from the manual.


Update: Missing 1 command :o

Extended Code 3 = %10011

Found in Dave's document ...

&nbsp; Extended Code, is the same as Extended Code 1
&nbsp; Extended Data, is the same as Extended Code 2


- 22nd March 2007, 00:09
Thanks :-)