View Full Version : strange question?

- 18th March 2007, 14:04
think i know the answer
does anyone have a way to backward program a pic
ie convert hex to asm to pb
never hurts to ask

have a nice sunday

mat janssen
- 18th March 2007, 14:14
If the program was written with the use of a compiler like PBP or C then it is impossible te get the source back. And when the fuses are set for security then you can not read the program of the chip.

- 18th March 2007, 14:34
Most of time, loading the .Hex in the MPLAB program window permits to have a very good idea of the program ... and also to modify it somewhat !!!

BUT you must read ( and understand ... LOL ) assembler !!!

No hope for reading it into "High level" languages ... Thanks God !!!


- 18th March 2007, 15:42
just have way to many ver of programs, not sure which one is in the chip

got enough problems with following my own with out trying to fiqure some-else

like. i said have many trys at programs not entirely sure which one i am using

thanks' beside like the other person said it real easy to lock you hex files in the pic

have not done this on my own

- 18th March 2007, 20:39
Hi Jack,
If it's your own code, then use your programmer to read the hex file and compare to the hex files for each of your versions.

- 18th March 2007, 20:41
Worth A Try

- 19th March 2007, 07:05
If the program was written with the use of a compiler like PBP or C then it is impossible te get the source back. And when the fuses are set for security then you can not read the program of the chip.

There is one very expensive way how to read protected data - Laser cutter + electronic microscope

- 19th March 2007, 09:35

For the C series ... there was a very simple method just changing the config settings !!!

never tried with F series ... WHY ???
