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View Full Version : B868mc-tiny/40-smd-ia - Rts Cts

- 13th March 2007, 18:40
Hello !
I would like to implement a RF sollution for PIC 2 PIC communication. I have for this job 2 transceiver modules ((B868MC-TINY/40-SMD-IA) I should be able to reach 40KBps over 1 - 1.5 KM in open field.


I would like to implement hardware flow control in my project. Theese modules have RTS and CTS signals.
Now, on my project I am using a chip with only one HW USART which is busy with other job. So I am thinking about using SERIN2/SEROUT2 commands.

SEROUT2 DataPin{\FlowPin},Mode,{Pace,}{Timeout,Label,}[Item...]
DataPin is automatically made an output. The optional FlowPin is automatically made an input.

SERIN2 DataPin{\FlowPin},Mode,{Pace,}{Timeout,Label,}[Item...]
DataPin is automatically made an input. The optional FlowPin is automatically made an output.

From the lines before I understand that I may use the FlowPins as RTS and CTS . Is this correct ?
Thank you for your time.