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View Full Version : USBJADEM sample code

- 12th March 2007, 07:35
I successful got the USBMOUSE demo program working, but the other program, USBJADEM, compiles just fine, but doesn't seem to do anything when I run the USBHIDIO.exe program, which must be downloaded from Jan Alexson's website.

Perhaps I am missing something on the PC end. The download includes a bunch of files, but I thought they were for the purpose of understanding or modifying the code.

Must I install something, or is simply running the USBHIDIO.exe program enough?

YES, I changed the include file in the USBDESC.ASM file.



- 12th March 2007, 21:00
For starters, there must have been something wrong with my code, but now the device is recognized when I plug the USB cable into the PC, however, it won't install the device driver. I get an error message.

I can see the device listed in the device manager, but it says the drivers are not installed, and it won't let me install them.

I'm running win2K pro.



- 14th March 2007, 00:57
Still no thoughts from anyone!

I Tried to use the USBDemo program that I found elsewhere on this forum, but it won't install. Perhaps if someone has an example firmware and driver for sending and receiving data via USB, I could try that.
