View Full Version : Pic Start Plus Help

- 6th March 2007, 16:59
Im having problems programing a Pic 18F458 chip using Pic Start Plus. I just bought the Pic Start Plus to use and I cant seem to get it running. I have been using a picQuik programmer for the last couple of years and have had no problems with it.

here is the complete example code I tried to use just to make sure the picstart was working

pause 1000
trisb = 0
portb = 1

I use microcode studios and PBP 2.46
When I open the Hex file in MPLAb 7.41 and program it says that it worked and verified. But chip does nothing.

When I program the hex code into the chip with my Picquick it works.

I thought maybe in MPLAB I was not getting the config bits to program but it appears when you hit program it programs everything to the pic.

If I put this Code in Microcode compile and then load hex file with MPlab it works.

Pause 1000
TrisB.1 = 0
PortB.1 = 1

Please Help
Is there an include file that I am suppose to be using in my microcode program.

- 6th March 2007, 17:31
So, is the problem with PICStart/MPLAB or with one of your posted code snippets?

Microcode studio will automaticly include the device specific file(s) based on which device you select in the drop-down list in MCS. You can then either set the config fuses in your program (search the forum for info) or set them manually in MPLAB.

In MPLAB: Enable the PIC-start, select the desired device and import the .hex file. Now goto Configure/Configuration bits and check that everything is as it's supposed to be, then program the chip.

/Henrik Olsson.

paul borgmeier
- 6th March 2007, 18:31
try this

pause 1000
trisb = 0
portb = 1
here:goto here

so your code does not go off into no-where (I am not sure what your other programmer does with the unused space but, depending on your MPLAB settings, you may have stuff there)

- 7th March 2007, 00:51
Thanks you guys.
It was late last night while I was working on it and my code was supposed to be simple to make sure it was working. Problem is Portb = 1 would make portb.0 = 1 and the rest of portb 0's. Im not using portb.0. Thanks for you help though. I'll try to get more sleep before I ask another stupid question.

- 7th March 2007, 03:47
<table><td>don't worry about that... it happen to everybody one day or another</td><td>http://www.mister-e.org/Pics/WakeUp.gif</td></table>