View Full Version : mpsam and fuses

- 4th March 2007, 16:11
first let me say that my programs run and assemble fine

however when i try to set fuses using mpsam i get a couple of errors

this does not happen when i set fuses using pbp

but its frustrating read a bunch of posts on this subject must not be alone

can someone give a dinfintive answer on mpsam fuse setting not pbp

the command line is ok but get the errors anyway pbp assembles faster

guess if cant get answer just use this

- 4th March 2007, 17:19
<table><td>http://www.mister-e.org/Pics/CrystalBall_Informations.gif</td><td>it always help us when you provide the exact error message(s).

the PIC #
the offending code you tried.

If you have read the FAQ, you should have enough information.
One thing is sure, you MUST use the @ __CONFIG directive</td></table>

- 4th March 2007, 19:29
this is the total of my program one line
have tried various sections of this line TRIED SWITCHING TO _XT_OSC

always get error 118

- 4th March 2007, 19:49
118 Overwriting previous address contents
Code was previously generated for this address.

so the following tip, apply... still from the same Thread....

- 4th March 2007, 20:59
read your answer however my file if i am looking at the right one does not contain the first part of yours am i looking for the wrong file?

attached from p16f628a

- 4th March 2007, 22:39
<body onload="setInterval('blinkIt()',1000)">

<script type="text/javascript">
function blinkIt() {
if (!document.all) return;
else {
s.style.visibility=(s.style.visibility=='visible') ?'hidden':'visible';

This error is return by PBP because your configuration fuse overwrite 'PBP default'. If you open with notepad, <blink>in PBP directory</blink>, the .INC file of your PIC, let's say 16F628, the file will look like.....</td></table>

- 4th March 2007, 23:01
thanks hope i didn't ruin your sunday

- 4th March 2007, 23:02
OH, NO WAY! it take much than this :D

So it's working now?