View Full Version : programming straight assembly with epic?

- 2nd March 2007, 12:24
I am new to the pic series of processors. I have written for the BSC2 some. Now I have the epic programmer and I have written all my code in ASM. Is there a compiler/programing software that I can use with the EPIC programmer to program the 16f84A?

I bought the epic starter with the intent of programming in PICBasic, but I started to learn ASM. Now I have the epic programer and am not haveing any succes in trying to load the hex file I have compiled from MPLAB.

Thanks for the help

- 2nd March 2007, 15:12
i wish i could help you better, but a .HEX file have to work, coming from any compiler (assembler, C, Basic or else)

Apart the Melabs EPIC software.. i don't know if you can use something else.

You could still post your code and schematic here, maybe there's something wrong in it...