View Full Version : Picbasic 1B + MSU05

- 21st February 2007, 20:08
first I want to excuse me for my English but I'm French.....

I make a little robot at shcool and we use picbasic 1B. We have a MSU05 ultrasouds sensor for the detection of obsacle.
I've a problem withthe instruction "Capture" and "Pulse" to use a ultrasounds sensor MSU05

When the "Capture" instruction is activated nothing occurs that stop at this stage of the programme.
And for the "Pulse" instruction that make just one implusion

So I want to know what are the over instruction I can use

Thanks for answers

PS: PicBasi 1B http://www.lextronic.fr/Comfile/PP1.htm
MSU05 http://www.lextronic.fr/Capteurs/PP1.htm

- 21st February 2007, 20:12
désolé mon ami :( ici on n'utilise pas les module PicBasic. On utilise les microcontrolleur PIC de microchip MAIS avec un compilateur nommé PICBASIC de MicroEngineering Labs. :(


Sorry my friend, here we don't use those PicBasic module but Microchip PIC and Melabs PICBASIC compiler.