View Full Version : Reading keypad problem

- 14th February 2007, 12:41
I am new to PicbasicPro programing and i need some help reading keypad connected to a 16f876 uC. I have managed to display the keys pressed on a standard 16x2 LCD display, but now i don`t know how to store the whole string of numbers entered in a variable, so it could represent a number of rotations for a stepper motor. For example if i enter 5 5 5 it should somehow be stored in a variable "rotations" as 555. I saw a similar question asked before on this forum, but was left unanswered.
I know it seems like a trivial question, but it`s frustrating me.
Thanx in advance.

- 14th February 2007, 15:25
Hello PostAR,

Do a search for "Keypad Entry?" by Tonigalea dated 7Aug04. Look at the response to his post by Ms. Melanie. I think this will handle your situation.


- 14th February 2007, 17:26
Hi Bob.

Of course!

if x = 5 then
bigword= NUM[1]*1000 + (NUM[2]*100) +(NUM[3]*10)+(NUM[4]*1)

This will make a number from my digits. Piece of cake! But i guess it`s allways easy once they show you how :) Thanx again.