View Full Version : McLoader and 18F2580

- 12th February 2007, 01:58
I'm having a small problem using McLoader on a 18F2580 @ 20 mhz.

I have the standard Max232 set up with a Rx and Tx LED like my other projects. When I kick off McLoader and try to program, I see the RX led flickering quickly like normal, and McLoader tells me I must reset the pic.

I reset the pic, and both RX and TX leds are flickering quickly, just like it's programming, however McLoader is still at the "reset Pic" dialog.

If I close the "reset Pic: dialog, and click on program again while both LED's are showing activity, then the chip programs fine. I never had to do this on other chips.

Any tips are clues? Mecineque has been totally non responsive.

- 12th February 2007, 03:14
Are you driving your LED's with the same pins used for loader communications?

- 12th February 2007, 04:14
The LED's are Between the Pic and the Transceiver, They go thru 390 ohm resistors to 5 volts.

Same as my 876 and 88 projects. Is this a problem?

- 12th February 2007, 06:20
How does it program without the LED's or any other load on the pins used
for serial comms?