View Full Version : Programmer too Fast?

- 8th February 2007, 06:20
I''ve had this problem off and on and it's driving me crazy trying to figure out what's going on. My board uses an LCD, and for some reason, I can program a chip and everything works fine, then reprogram the same chip, just minutes later, no code changes or anything, and some of the text won't display on the screen. Reprogram it and it will work fine. I'm using MeLabs 3.31. Any ideas what could be going on?

- 8th February 2007, 09:07
Well, it looks like the problem happens when reading strings from EEPROM to the 2nd line of my 2x8 LCD display. If I don't read the strings from EEPROM for the LCDOUT command and just use a typical LCDOUT command it works. For some reason it works fine reading from EEPROM for the 1st line of the LCD though. Anyone else seen this, or have any ideas?