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View Full Version : 7400 HC vs. AC vs. AHC.....

Ron Marcus
- 23rd January 2007, 21:17
I am building a gated clock oscillator based on the 74HC00 NAND gates. Looking at the variations makes my head spin! There's HC,AHC,ACT...Does anyone know what the differences are? I need the highest possible speed at 3 volt operation.

Darrel Taylor
- 24th January 2007, 00:00
Hi Ron,

This might help. See the last page.



- 24th January 2007, 00:54
I recently had a similar question; luckily Nuts and Volts ran a 4-part series early this year called "Understanding Digital Logic ICs." August 06 covered what you are asking.

The article suggests you go with HC serices (CMOS applications) based on availability, flexibility and cost. They did give the LS series (TTL applications) a little better rating because its a little faster and consumes less current. Hope this helps :)

Ron Marcus
- 24th January 2007, 03:14
Thanks guys, that is helpful.