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View Full Version : Looking for self contained sound module

- 11th January 2007, 03:35
I'm trying to find a source for the sound modules that are used in greeting cards where the user can record his own greeting and have it played back when the card is opened.

I have only located places that require order qtys in the hundreds. I'm looking for only six at most at a reasonable price. Would be nice if they could hold at least 30 seconds. Ideally loaded directly without the need for a microphone and all the extra noise that would be recorded going that route.

I'd like to incorporate this into a photo album so when a page is turned to the recording would start just like the original intent when the greeting card was opened the message would play.

Obviously, the thinner the better to more easily incorporate in the album.

Any ideas?



- 11th January 2007, 03:45

You need to look at COB (chip on board) modules. These seem to fit your application. Unfortunately, they are not available in tiny-tiny quantities. The nearest I can think of is the APR series Ics which are similar to the ISD ChipCorder ics and have a range of timings available. APR BTW is Aplus taiwan. You may start here http://www.aplusindia.net
