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View Full Version : Use internal program memory like DATA memory

- 30th December 2006, 10:26

I'm making a morse coded audio greeting card for a friend.

The "morse message" is stored once for ever in the memory when the PIC is programmed (= there is no WRITE operation during program execution).

Using a 16F88, I have much more space in the internal program memory than in the internal data memory.

Since the program code is quite small, I would like to use the rest of the internal program memory space to store the message.

If this is possible, how would I "store" and "read" the message from the internal program memory?

Darrel Taylor
- 30th December 2006, 12:19
Here's one way.

Making Program Code Space your playground...

- 30th December 2006, 18:38
Thanks Darrel,

I didn't see this thread before.

... must buy new eyes before new PICs ;-)