View Full Version : help to compile from a different directory of pbp.exe

- 9th July 2004, 12:04
how can I compile a code source *.bas from a different directory of pbp.exe,
and after have my *.hex in a same directory of my *.bas
I use codedesigner

(sorry for my english I'm french...)
[email protected]

- 9th July 2004, 21:39
I can't help you with Codedesigner as I don't use it, however, with regard to different directories...


My PBP compiler files are located in...


The project I'm working on is located in...


Ensure you have a DOS window open and logged into the \Myproject subdirectory with a path to PBP's location... by default on opening a DOS window, Win-XP drops me into...

H:\Documents and Settings\Melanie>

So all I do is...

Path H:\data-reference\pic\pbp244

Actually I have those lines contained in a batch file called gopbp.bat and by simply calling 'gopbp' it logs me into my working directory and sets all the paths I need approprately.

Once logged into the working directory, I use the command line as normal... eg...

pbpw -p16f876 myfile -v

If you use the MPSASM assembler, simply add it's location to the end of your path statement...

Path H:\data-reference\pic\pbp244;H:\Program Files\MPLAB IDE\MCHIP_Tools

If you run older versions of Windows (or even DOS), it may not like subdirectories with long names or filenames with spaces in them. In that instance you are limited to directories with eight or less characters, no spaces or other hieroglyphs.
