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View Full Version : PIC16F877 sends/receives data to/from a PC

- 2nd December 2006, 12:35

I'm a beginer in PIC (this is my first project). I need a sample in mikrobasic for send/receive data to/from a PC. Maybe my issue it's something verry simple for most of you, but I don't know anything about that subject.

So, what I need:
1. send a signal from PC to PIC to start a routine (from PIC application); let say that "1" means "start routine".
2. receive continously the data (3 digits numbers, let's say) from PIC after starting; I don't know when the data comes to PC.
3. send a signal from PC to PIC to stop a routine (from PIC application); let say that "0" means "stop routine".

Can somebody help me, please? I'll buy this hardware: http://www.futurlec.com/PIC16F877_Controller_Tips.shtml

Thank you,

- 2nd December 2006, 14:09
> I need a sample in mikrobasic

How about posting your request on the mikrobasic forum!