View Full Version : Pausing

- 1st December 2006, 05:25

I am coming with a problem with pausing after the sending a message using serout,
The pause works great on its own, but when the program increases in size, it also increase in pause that I use somewhere else. I need a pause of 1 ms for the serout, but I am putting pause 10 on my lcdout. Now because of the LCD pause, I am sending my signal too far apart. How do I go around this problem


I am starting a new thread because i think this is somewhat different then my other topic, which at the end was getting close to this thread.

- 1st December 2006, 06:43
Use 10 serout commands at once, so you get 10 ms pause for your LCD while you still have your serout working with 1ms.


- 1st December 2006, 12:41
ok, it is better,
but once I finish the ten serout, then I still have a gap. I guess the receiver does not care that much.


- 1st December 2006, 15:18
Usually, i send everything in a single package, AND i receive everything in a single package. At the end i check the checksum and see if there's any error.

There's no special need for a pause between bytes. In RF it may just become a nightmare. Manchester encoding/decoding is handy if you send/receive long packet.