View Full Version : LCD Question.

- 25th November 2006, 11:31
Hello all,
Just got hold of a couple of small LCD screens from some cordless phones. The only part number I can see is FD3282BN-1 which I have googled and data sheet searched with no luck.
Connections are Vcc, SCL, SDA, Gnd so I assume serial speak is the way to go. (clever of me huh?)
I think I will just have a mess around with speeds etc until something happens, or the smoke gets out.
Just a silly question, has anyone got any info on these beaut looking little screens??

Peter Moritz.
Up the bush, by the sea, South Australia.

- 25th November 2006, 13:34
mmm... probably a Nokia LCD clone or sort of? SDA/SCL refer to I2C bus.

So, probably one of these may help... or not

Is there any other number on or?