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View Full Version : PIC 2 PIC wireless connection

- 23rd June 2004, 20:49
Hello ! I have to send a data package from PIC A to PIC B, and I have a little space for that.
I thought about two wireless module Tx and Rx, like theese.


My question is: Shall I be able to use OWIN and OWOUT instructions ?
I never worked with them , and for The moment I can not test this.
Or, there is another way to transmit data, having only one data channel ?
Thank you for your time.

- 24th June 2004, 01:46
No, OWIN and OWOUT will not work. They are really intended for the One-Wire devices. A radio link is not instantly bi-directional so makes this communications method unsuitable as it relies on fast and precise timing events happening on the same wire.

Asynchronous Data, preferably Manchester encoded (or similar) is the method to consder. See DEBUG, DEBUGIN, SEROUT, SERIN, SEROUT2 and SERIN2 - or you could create your own.