View Full Version : Medical Engineering Project eargent

- 29th October 2006, 13:04
Please , if you can help in finding a project related to medical engineering equipments, like heart beat sensors, blood pressure, or any thing related.


- 30th October 2006, 03:47
How about a HICD (Human In-Circuit Debugger)? Kind of OBD-2 but for human.. the only bug... where do you insert the diag plug :D

- 30th October 2006, 07:45
May be our friend "Eng4444" could give a hand here ...

I can Hear some laughts here and there .... but whyyyyyy ?????

Hi, Steve

For the diag plug, you were thinking of some kind of audio jack ???

Amitiés from France


you should explore the Freescale site, Pressure sensors section ... some "already cooked" projects to find there, in the Application Notes.
At Honeywell's too ...


- 30th October 2006, 11:50
Please , if you can help in finding a project related to medical engineering equipments, like heart beat sensors, blood pressure, or any thing related.
There was a rather thorough article in Circuit Cellar magazine about 2-1/2 years ago. As best I recall it was a design for a wireless device that monitored the things you are interested in.

I was off by a year. The article is titled Portable Health Monitor and appeared in the June 2003 issue of Circuit Cellar. It was the winning entry in a Cypress PSoC design contest.

- 30th October 2006, 12:15
Hi Ahmad,

Check these links for all free engineering magazines.

1. Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals

2. Engineering(s)


Edit: Some links did not work.

- 30th October 2006, 16:34
May be our friend "Eng4444" could give a hand here ...

I can Hear some laughts here and there .... but whyyyyyy ?????

i heard some from Germany :D

Hi, Steve

For the diag plug, you were thinking of some kind of audio jack ???

Kind of... sure you may heard some sound when you plug it

Before i disgress, i'll get out of this post...