View Full Version : Creating temp Register

- 29th October 2006, 05:23
I wanted to know how to create a temp register in memory. I'm still getting used to using a Pic micro-controller 16f88 and 18f1320. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

- 29th October 2006, 11:40
Hi Gator,

Can you be more specific?

I am sure you will get your answer.


- 30th October 2006, 03:49
TempRegister var byte


When you say in memory... PIC EEPROM or what?

- 31st October 2006, 16:21
Hi guys,

mister_e's got it. I am still in transition mode from assembly to basic,sorry. I was trying to figure out how to send a variable over an RF transceiver and get it from the receiving end. But all I have to do is name a variable so I understand basic a little better.

Note: Little more info about the RF transceiver. Using the Nordic RF nRF2401 Transceiver and using the shiftin and shiftout method through basic.

thanks again sayzer and mister_e

- 31st October 2006, 16:29
May be it is time to use Serin and Serout.


- 1st November 2006, 04:16
Hi sayzer,

What pin do I need to activate Serin and Serout? If I am using a 16f88 or 18f1320? thanks

- 1st November 2006, 04:28
You can use Serin/Serout on whatever pin you want. If your PIC have a USART there's NO REALLY GOOD REASONS to use SERIN/SEROUT, use HSERIN/HSEROUT instead. BUT you have to use the dedicated pin.