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- 15th October 2006, 13:50
I need a professional combination lock project with lcd, keypad,
you can write any information about digital lock systems with PIC.

- 2nd April 2007, 22:17
I have made a combination lock for a burglar alarm. It has a matrix keypad, led signals, 5 digit combination, programed code, temporary code from programed code, and shuts off for 1 hour after 3 input errors. It uses PIC16F684A.

I have a circuit board layout, and program in PIC Basic. The circuit board is small, it fits on the back of a utility box cover. I will post if anyone is still interested.


Darrel Taylor
- 2nd April 2007, 22:33
Combinaton Gate access

Check out the video in post #42

- 3rd April 2007, 00:07

It sounds good to me, I would like to see it


- 3rd April 2007, 02:18
Hi Amay,

I am interested and would like to see your project.


- 3rd April 2007, 23:46
I've work a little bit on Lloyd's project. All i can say is that the current version (well the last i know) worked a treat and it's really bullet proof.

Maybe you could ask him for a software license.

- 4th April 2007, 03:30
Last yr I designed a keypad, in March it was published in the Silicon Chip mag.

Works well. No LCD - but it could be added. Don't ask me for source code though, it's part of an alarm system that was published in Feb.

Trent Jackson

Darrel Taylor
- 4th April 2007, 03:57
I've work a little bit on Lloyd's project.

Eeeuuwwww, hope you didn't get any of those boogers on ya. :eek:

- 5th April 2007, 01:22
mmm, kind of expression i'm not sure but let's see

This article is about the word "booger". For information on nasal mucus, see mucus.
Look up booger in
Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Booger is an American slang term for a piece of dried nasal mucus; the British form is bogey. 'Booger' in British English is more likely to be understood as a euphemistic pronunciation of 'bugger'.

aaaaaaaaaaatchoooom sorry :D

Lloyd Edwards
- 5th April 2007, 02:25
Hi all, especially Mister_E and Darrel Taylor, you two are so far past me it makes me humble, wave both arms up and down and say, “I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy”. But enough praise less it goes to your heads. I really should re-video the post to boogerdigger that Darrel mentioned above. I have a much better camera now. Had a good one, it got stolen, bought a cheap one, couldn’t stand it, bought a nice one again… well you get the idea. I maintain the boogerdigger website as a place to post a quick page with no navigation. It is in memory of a child that past away. Booger Digger was her pet name and she was too young to know what it meant. (I called my oldest girl Pooter until she MADE me stop calling her that.)
The gate operator code that I paid Mister_E to write is really nice. You can easily change the access code from the keypad for a user. Five user codes (that are changeable), a master code and a change code (that are not changeable), and lots of comments that help it to be understandable make this a great program. So if you get stuck, like me - really, really stuck, then it may be best to hire a pro like Darrell or Mister_E to fix it. For me, it was worth the money. Sure, it is a hit to the pride, perhaps, to admit that you ‘just don’t get it’. I guess you have three choices. One, ask for free help on this forum. That is the majority of the posts. Two, hammer on it until you either get it or you give up. Now this step seems to take the longest as you will read every post and overpay for books that are of little use. Your electric bill will increase as you read late into the night. Every night. Obsessively. Or, Three, hire a pro if the project is important enough to you. Then you get to pick apart the code and see where you stumbled.
This forum really needs a place where you can post your “need this”, “lost-on-this-one”, or “HELP ME, I AM SO LOST” and get bids from the programmers who can do it. Like eBay or something. Darrel, do you take Paypal? Visa? Cases of beer?
I know. You are saying something like “I didn’t pay $250 for PBP so I can pay someone else to write my code”. So just how many programs have you bought over the years to get your copy of Windows to do something? But, of course, take the steps in order. Ask for free help. Do the very best that you possibly can to write the code yourself. Perhaps even read the manual. And when all else fails, when you reach the point of mental madness and your own family does not recognize you anymore, do as I did, write a check to a pro and get back what is left of your life. (At least until your next project.) This electronic stuff is so addictive it will suck all of the life out of you. Be very careful.

Darrel Taylor
- 5th April 2007, 09:58
Oh, I'm sorry Lloyd.
Had I known, I wouldn't have been joking about the websites name. :o

Darrel, do you take Paypal? Visa? Cases of beer?
No. After getting burnt pretty bad on a programming job from the forum. I don't do those anymore.

I just post programs for free, so mister_e can make money on them. :eek:

- 5th April 2007, 14:38
No. After getting burnt pretty bad on a programming job from the forum. I don't do those anymore.
Interesting... Who's involved?

Lloyd Edwards
- 5th April 2007, 19:40
No offence taken, Darrel. In my family we have always had good humor with pet names (or nick names). I didn't know my name wasn't Bubba until I read 'Lloyd' on my marriage license. Still not real sure about my wife's real name. I've always called her 'Hun' and she seems to respond to that. It's been about 25 years since I put that license away somewhere for safe keeping. If I could just find it I wouldn't have to ask her, right?
I think people like you, mister_e, skimask and the other contributors to this forum are great. For newbie me, PBP would be useless without your help.

- 23rd May 2007, 20:02
I have made a combination lock for a burglar alarm. It has a matrix keypad, led signals, 5 digit combination, programed code, temporary code from programed code, and shuts off for 1 hour after 3 input errors. It uses PIC16F684A.

I have a circuit board layout, and program in PIC Basic. The circuit board is small, it fits on the back of a utility box cover. I will post if anyone is still interested.


pls, your projec sounds intersting to me and i am interested in it can you pls post it. thanks in anticipation