View Full Version : graphics display

- 11th June 2004, 18:40
Please could some help with the following problem. It is urgent. I am using version 2 of the compilor.I purchased a truly craphics display which uses the ks107b and ks108b chip drivers. The part number is mcs-g12864dysy-5n do244. When i print to the screen it works perfectly. I can print characters, lines, inverse ect and all is OK.

I used the ADIN.BAS in the sample folder to display the ADC readings on the display. I removed all the references to the serial display and included the proton_g4.int include file
and used the normal print at routine. When I run the program the display is garbled like the cs1 and cs2 are not working. The adc reading is printed on both sides of the screen as all the other characters. I purchased another display but could not get the same one and the part number is msc-g12864dysy-1n do349. This display has the onboard negative voltage generator and the pins are not the same as the previous one. On this display the whole display comes on with all the pixels on and the charachters are ok but goes garbled. I have found that when I remove the adcon1 instruction all is ok but the adc registers are not aligned i.e. wrong value displayed. It seems that the adcon1 instruction is messing with the graphic display routines.

[email protected]

Please could some one help as the project I am working on is urgent.

Thanks I solved the problem:

When ADCON1 = 10000000
AN0-AN7 is configured as analog BUT RC1 and RC2 is AN6 and AN7
so everything goes weird configuring it to ADCON=100000010 solves the problem leaving AN6 and AN7 digital

PHew solved!

- 12th June 2004, 12:53
I think youre on the wrong forum...

try www.picbasic.org
