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View Full Version : 18F2550 Compile problem

- 26th September 2006, 10:31
I trie to compile the example program, USBCDC but i get the following error:

Warning[230]c:\pbp\18f2550.inc 20: __CONFIG has been deprected for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.

Can anybody tell me what to do?

- 26th September 2006, 10:43
First of all you need to use MPASM for the 18X series, so switch to that if you haven't allready. Then have a look here:


Specificly the post from Steve (mister_e) on 29th october -05.

The latest version of PBP (2.47) hides that warning but I think it's best to get used to the new way Microchip wants it.

Hope it helps!
/Henrik Olsson.

- 26th September 2006, 10:43
This is not an error, just a warning.

- 26th September 2006, 10:44
I trie to compile the example program, USBCDC but i get the following error:

Warning[230]c:\pbp\18f2550.inc 20: __CONFIG has been deprected for PIC18 devices. Use directive CONFIG.

Can anybody tell me what to do?

Its not an ERROR otherwise it would say "Error".

Its a WARNING that the syntax you are using to declare the configuration has been superceeded by a "new improved" version.

At the moment both methods work but in a later version of the assembler your declaration may no longer be supported.

There are several threads covering the topic.




Hope that helps

- 26th September 2006, 19:54
After a few modification on the include file the pic is up and running again.
Thank you all