View Full Version : VREF on a 16F877A

- 6th September 2006, 13:33

This question is regarding the A/D on a 16F877A....

I want to set up VREF to be 10VDC and i am powering the pic with 5VDC...

Is it going to be a problem that VDD=5VDC and the VREF=10VDC?

Just curious


paul borgmeier
- 6th September 2006, 14:29
Per the datasheet, Section 17.0, the maximum voltage on RA3 is VDD+0.3V. In your case that would be 5.0+0.3=5.3V. 10V will most likely damage the PIC - do not do that. If your analog signal is larger than 5.0 V, consider using a voltage divider to reduce the analog signal. Please reply if you need more input.

- 6th September 2006, 14:58
That would have really sucked!!!

Back to the drawing board I guess....

Thanks for stopping me from making a huge mistake!