View Full Version : Error's with clockx.bas from MELABS

- 4th September 2006, 22:09
I downloaded the clockx.bas program from MELABS website and get the following errors when I try to compile.

error line 33: syntax error. (Line 33 is shown below)
OPTION_REG = $55 ' Set TMR0 configuration and enable PORTB pullups

Anyone know why?

- 4th September 2006, 22:19
wich pic?

wich version: PICBASIC PRO or PICBASIC

- 7th September 2006, 04:10
I am using the PIC 18f252-17SP and PIC Basic PRO

- 7th September 2006, 14:23
There's no OPTION_REG register for those PIC. you'll have to open the 16F877 datasheet to know what it do, then translate it for the 18F252