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View Full Version : A reminder for all Forum Users

- 4th September 2006, 19:44
I kinda received a rather sad message from a new user earlier, who said that as an inexperienced beginner they were afraid to post on the forum for fear of being riddiculed or getting abrupt or sarcastic replies from some of our more experienced contributors. I suddenly realised that I've been guilty of being a bit sharp at times, and it also puts into perspective too that some of our visitors don't have English as their primary language and can't get decent SEARCH results because they can't spell accurately in order to bring meaningful results.

So it's really a reminder for everyone to be nice to new posters to the forum, the beginners, the technically inept (even though you secretly know they've chosen the wrong hobby) and especially those that keep picking the soldering iron up by the wrong end. I'll try not to delete the Adverts for Medi-Plasters and Burn-Eze, just the one's for Viagra as I know that it's dangerous to solder with a hard-.... OK you guys know what I mean!

- 7th September 2006, 08:58
Well, I'm one of the new users, and i'm glad with this message from Melanie.
Because I'm from The Netherlands and my primate language is Dutch, so it is double hard for me to understand all that technicle confersations on this forum.

But anyway thanks for all the help I will get here.

Grz Jan

- 7th September 2006, 11:16
Well, I'm one of the new users, and i'm glad with this message from Melanie.
Because I'm from The Netherlands and my primate language is Dutch, so it is double hard for me to understand all that technicle confersations on this forum.

But anyway thanks for all the help I will get here.

Grz Jan


Same problem here. My primate language is Italian!

Luciano Monchietto

- 7th September 2006, 11:47

Same problem here. My primate language is Italian!

Luciano Monchietto

Hello Luciano, I know how you must feeling you, because a differend language likes your own language is often difficult and specially with the technical words.

Greetz Jan

- 10th September 2006, 08:29
After Melanie's post, it seems that new users post their questions with no fear.

Look how many new users have been posting after Melanie encouraged (!) them to post.


Same problem here. My primate language is Italian!

Luciano Monchietto

Luciano, with your secondary language you seem to be doing fine Since 2004.
I am sure saying "primate" was a joke.

BTW: what does your name mean in Italian? I had a friend whose name was Lucia. Cute girl she was. She never told me what her name meant.


- 10th September 2006, 22:31

The last name "Monchietto" fits also well on the primate family tree.


Derived from the Latin common name Lucius, related to lux
or lucis "light" therefore meaning "born in the first hours of light."

Best regards,


- 10th December 2006, 21:50

- 11th December 2006, 04:02

I just had a look at all of your posts and to me, it looks like you haven't picked up, opened, a read through any of the applicable resources. The answers to your 'questions' have been right there in the datasheets (at least the applicable sections), the PBP manual (at least the applicable section there), the search function on this site (which has always turned up loads of info for me), Google (which again has turned up a lot of info over the past couple of years), and a whole crapload of other places I'm sure.
So before you start whining about a smart-crack from somebody else, you might want to look into the mirror first before place blame elsewhere on your own shortcomings.

- 25th April 2007, 19:12
Hi Melanie. I am the newest guy I think on this forum. I do not even
know how to ask questions. So do not blame me.
I am working now on PIC 18F2455. At first step I try "Led_blinkig" stuff.
Tried this code with 16F628. Compiled it and loaded. It worked. By the way
I use ELNEC programmer to load hex files.
There is a problem with compiling the same code for 18F2455. The error
message I receive is "Error in parameter 18F2455". I couldn't find anywhere
the solution of this problem.
Your help will be appreciated.
The code is:

TRISA.0 = 0 ' PORTA.0 is output
PORTA.0 = 1 ' Turn ON diode on PORTA.0
PAUSE 1000 ' Wait for 1 second
PORTA.0 = 0 ' Turn OFF diode on PORTA.0
PAUSE 1000 ' Wait for 1 second
GOTO main ' Endless loop

- 25th April 2007, 19:17
Sorry, i'm not Melanie, but maybe i can help.

So, you're aware that you must use MPASM to compile your code right?

which version of PicBasic you're using?
PicBasic Pro (AKA PBP) or Picbasic (regular AKA PBC)

Which version of MicroCode Studio?

Which version of MPASM (or MPLAB)?

- 14th May 2007, 20:33
I am new for about 15 minutes. How do i determine someone has answered a thread to me. I have been serveral hours just trying to fabricate a thread.
thanks be to you so much

I kinda received a rather sad message from a new user earlier, who said that as an inexperienced beginner they were afraid to post on the forum for fear of being riddiculed or getting abrupt or sarcastic replies from some of our more experienced contributors. I suddenly realised that I've been guilty of being a bit sharp at times, and it also puts into perspective too that some of our visitors don't have English as their primary language and can't get decent SEARCH results because they can't spell accurately in order to bring meaningful results.

So it's really a reminder for everyone to be nice to new posters to the forum, the beginners, the technically inept (even though you secretly know they've chosen the wrong hobby) and especially those that keep picking the soldering iron up by the wrong end. I'll try not to delete the Adverts for Medi-Plasters and Burn-Eze, just the one's for Viagra as I know that it's dangerous to solder with a hard-.... OK you guys know what I mean!

- 14th May 2007, 21:02
I am new for about 15 minutes. How do i determine someone has answered a thread to me. I have been serveral hours just trying to fabricate a thread.
thanks be to you so much

Hi Jlittle,

Welcome to the forum!


Get into the forum topic area that you think your subject matches.

Just above the list of “threads in topic” there is an icon labeled “New Thread” this is how you start a thread.

You find out if someone answers you by getting an email or by reading the forum.

Do not forget to “refresh” your web browser to check the forum.

Good Luck,

- 15th May 2007, 02:53
Or click on 'quick links' button (on the top right), then select 'todays post'. You should find your own thread, look at the 'Last Post' column to know if someone else have replied to it.

- 8th October 2007, 15:55
If I could, I would, take everyone here out for a dinner of their choice.
All I have to do is win the lottery.
All I can do is THANK everyone who has helped me in the last 8 months on this project!!
If it was a post from 6 years ago, or a comment from yesterday.
What more can I say.
Wish I contribute more.
This site has been a GODSEND, in the only term I can express.

Thank You All.

- 12th October 2007, 22:35
Or click on 'quick links' button (on the top right), then select 'todays post'. You should find your own thread, look at the 'Last Post' column to know if someone else have replied to it.

hi mister_e,
I don't know how/where to create a new thread. I have searched but no information in the forum, could you help me?

- 13th October 2007, 00:33
Read Post 12 Of This Thread!!!

- 14th October 2007, 00:19
I kinda received a rather sad message from a new user earlier, who said that as an inexperienced beginner they were afraid to post on the forum for fear of being riddiculed or getting abrupt or sarcastic replies from some of our more experienced contributors. I suddenly realised that I've been guilty of being a bit sharp at times, and it also puts into perspective too that some of our visitors don't have English as their primary language and can't get decent SEARCH results because they can't spell accurately in order to bring meaningful results.

So it's really a reminder for everyone to be nice to new posters to the forum, the beginners, the technically inept (even though you secretly know they've chosen the wrong hobby) and especially those that keep picking the soldering iron up by the wrong end. I'll try not to delete the Adverts for Medi-Plasters and Burn-Eze, just the one's for Viagra as I know that it's dangerous to solder with a hard-.... OK you guys know what I mean!

hi Melanie,
My primary language is Spanish, and I'm glad to read that.

By the way, i'd like to ask you the same I asked mister_ed to know how to post a new thread about dc motor/q.encoder/position/direction/speed. Please tell me how can I post a new thread, i've searched how to and i've not found info such as options.

- 14th October 2007, 01:46
hi Melanie,
My primary language is Spanish, and I'm glad to read that.

By the way, i'd like to ask you the same I asked mister_ed to know how to post a new thread about dc motor/q.encoder/position/direction/speed. Please tell me how can I post a new thread, i've searched how to and i've not found info such as options.


To start a new thread:

Go to the main forum index page:

Get into the forum topic area that you think your subject matches.

Right now the choices are something like this:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Discussion area for the microEngineeringLabs PIC BASIC Compiler

Discussion area for microEngineeringLabs Pic Basic Pro Compiler

General Area
for general PIC BASIC discussion

PBP Wish List
Air your views on future development of the PBP product

Code Examples


Links to Documents and Data sheets
You decide which topic is the closest to your subject. Select that heading's “hot button”, to enter that topic area.

Now you are in the correct topic.

Just above the list of “threads in topic” there is an icon labeled “New Thread” this is how you start a new thread.

Hope that helps,

- 15th October 2007, 01:12

To start a new thread:

Go to the main forum index page:

Get into the forum topic area that you think your subject matches.

Right now the choices are something like this:
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Discussion area for the microEngineeringLabs PIC BASIC Compiler

Discussion area for microEngineeringLabs Pic Basic Pro Compiler

General Area
for general PIC BASIC discussion

PBP Wish List
Air your views on future development of the PBP product

Code Examples


Links to Documents and Data sheets
You decide which topic is the closest to your subject. Select that heading's “hot button”, to enter that topic area.

Now you are in the correct topic.

Just above the list of “threads in topic” there is an icon labeled “New Thread” this is how you start a new thread.

Hope that helps,

yeah !! I got it now I will be able to post new threads thank Pic_User you so kind.-

- 16th January 2008, 12:02
My first language is English and I still don't understand most of the stuff on here.

- 16th January 2008, 12:17
My first language is English and I still don't understand most of the stuff on here.

Hi, Med

Could you explain a bit more ... Cambridge or Oxford English also can be read here ...

is it about grammatical stuff or Technical stuff ???


- 18th January 2008, 09:07
My first language is English and I still don't understand most of the stuff on here.

English is my second language, but I do understand most of the "stuff" here.

What I do NOT understand is "some people".


- 18th January 2008, 17:40
English is my second language, but I do understand most of the "stuff" here.

English is my first (and only) language, and it never ceases to amaze me that people using English as a 2nd language (or even 3rd or 4th) have as much of a level of comprehension or grasp of syntax as they do.
I think that's one of the bigger problems where I live...it's a one-language deal. 2nd (or 3rd+) languages are not made mandatory or even pushed/encouraged for the kids in school.
For that reason, I believe many (if not the overwhelming vast majority) of other countries are FAR FAR ahead in that respect.

- 18th January 2008, 18:31
English is my first (and only) language, and it never ceases to amaze me that people using English as a 2nd language (or even 3rd or 4th) have as much of a level of comprehension or grasp of syntax as they do.
I think that's one of the bigger problems where I live...it's a one-language deal. 2nd (or 3rd+) languages are not made mandatory or even pushed/encouraged for the kids in school.
For that reason, I believe many (if not the overwhelming vast majority) of other countries are FAR FAR ahead in that respect.

And the part that is really sad... Many people using English as a second language use it better than ones that only use English. Maybe that should be "use English only"??

- 18th January 2008, 19:32
And the part that is really sad... Many people using English as a second language use it better than ones that only use English. Maybe that should be "use English only"??

WORD... :D

- 30th January 2008, 20:12
Yeah, Word. One day I am sure it will correct syntax and grammar like a pro.


- 30th January 2008, 20:22
Firefox do some syntax check... but syntax only... Oh well, as long as everybody put some effort and try to understand when it's obviously translated from x-to English with Google or else translators.. everything is OK.

Kinda patience and compassion :)

- 30th January 2008, 23:25
Yeah, Word. One day I am sure it will correct syntax and grammar like a pro.

Actually, I meant WORD in the manner that would suggest an affirmative response, such as 'YES' or 'OK'...it's slang, but I 'smell what you're cookin' :)

- 10th June 2008, 02:18
I have that language problem also I speak American and X86. Learning to talk PIC is going to be a trip. Many thanks to the forum members who take time to answer our questions

- 2nd August 2008, 14:45
I found Melanie's post right on target. Having moved over from learning to us Parallax Basic Stamp chips to Pic Chips - I found the forum very discouraging and not as friendly toward a new user.

I posted a questions seeking help to develop or learn from existing code to work a 4 module 5x7 LED Matrix Display I built from a kit and the replys seemed to beat me up for not starting from scratch and learning to light single LEDs first.

Since moving to PBasic Pro and PIC chips I have not found the NEW USER friendliness that was standard practice throughout Parallax's website, forums, and customer service. Even calling MicroChip for help on which programmer to buy was a nightmare.

I guess I will have to either start all over with learning or dump the several hundred dollars I have spent to get STARTED in PIC Chips for my hobby.

I have to say I am sorry for th negative post but my experience has not been encouraging.

Roy Carlson

PS - By the way - How do I pull, delete or edit my original post?

- 2nd August 2008, 16:19

I read the thread you are referring to. What part did you find negative?

So you have built a "kit" and have used a couple of other products. Now you want to learn PicBasic. GREAT!

I really do not see the problem when someone directs you to learn the basics first. Everyone here had to start with the basics.

When I start a new project, does not matter if I am using an old stand by chip or one that I have not used before, I ALWAYS start with "blinky" to make sure things are working correctly.

When I started with PBP, my wife complained that I spent a lot of money just to blink LEDs. but that is how you start.

If you want to learn, this forum is the place.

- 3rd August 2008, 06:01
I found Melanie's post right on target. Having moved over from learning to us Parallax Basic Stamp chips to Pic Chips - I found the forum very discouraging and not as friendly toward a new user.

Ahem . . . They (Parallax) are trying to sell something to you, Yes?
Here, nobody is selling you anything, not even false sincerity. We are a bit like a family, sometimes someone is grouchy, sometimes they are pushy, some are a little like that strange uncle everyone has, but for the most part all are willing to help if they can. Here is where I have come to learn to code, I give back when I can, and often I try and fail. I have upset people and made people happy, just like in any family, and just like in every family there are people who command more respect than others and those who are struggling to achieve that status, Without a doubt Melanie, Darrel, and Bruce are there ( Very highly respected ) there are others, who I will not mention because they are so many ,although I mean them no disrespect, If you hang around long enough you will discover who they are. Anyway welcome to the family, pull up a chair, whip out the Manual, and have a good time.

- 13th August 2008, 09:00
some are a little like that strange uncle everyone has

You talking about me again? :P

- 13th August 2008, 11:41
Well, I am uncle. But nobody told me if I am strange... Am I??


- 24th October 2008, 16:00
I came to this forum to look at pic projects in the past, since it's just
a hobby of many I have. Not to clear why we are being forced to commit to
posting! If I needed help then I would ask. But since there are usually many code examples I didn't see any reason to have to post. So here is my post in
order to stay a member of this forum.

- 24th October 2008, 16:07
I imagine it has to do with disk space. Looks like around half of the registered members have never posted. You can look around without being a member. Just a way of weeding out.

Just my thoughts. I do not know for certain.

- 24th October 2008, 17:20
If a response is not rude and not impatient then how would you know it's from a moderator?

I kinda received a rather sad message from a new user earlier, who said that as an inexperienced beginner they were afraid to post on the forum for fear of being riddiculed or getting abrupt or sarcastic replies from some of our more experienced contributors. I suddenly realised that I've been guilty of being a bit sharp at times, and it also puts into perspective too that some of our visitors don't have English as their primary language and can't get decent SEARCH results because they can't spell accurately in order to bring meaningful results.

So it's really a reminder for everyone to be nice to new posters to the forum, the beginners, the technically inept (even though you secretly know they've chosen the wrong hobby) and especially those that keep picking the soldering iron up by the wrong end. I'll try not to delete the Adverts for Medi-Plasters and Burn-Eze, just the one's for Viagra as I know that it's dangerous to solder with a hard-.... OK you guys know what I mean!

- 5th December 2008, 17:16
Please, explain what is your goal guys and girls:
to help people that want to study PICs as hobby and then as a result is increasing sales software,IC, and hardware that will boost little economy?
keep you knowledge in your pockets and be self-employed when economy will press all of us?
All people born equal with brains as white pages.
But learning something we all can reach the same heights.
Hope to see your answers.

- 6th December 2008, 15:39
Hi, Hardcore

I think I must raise one thing :

A Forum is somewhere people EXCHANGE infos, programs, tricks ... not a "Compulsory Helping" space .... remember it's NOT Melab's Forum or aft sales dept....

That said, a Forum COSTS to its owner, so ... whatever you could think, the Forum owner won't ever loose money ... just for your blue eyes.

Reading your sentence: " keep your knowledge in your pockets and be self-employed when economy will press all of us? "

Must I understand you want to make money with what will be here given to you ??? ... must we work for you ??? ... strange ...

In my case, I've READ a ( huge ! ) lot here, ASKED few, ANSWERED and POSTED sometimes ... never considering this Forum HAD to give me some teaching or answers ...

I'm NOT a pro ... just a Hobbyist ... like you, of course .

BTW ... Moderators work is ... to moderate !!! ... not to teach ...


- 6th December 2008, 18:52
OK. May be I wrong.
I want to use PICs only for developing my Hobby projects.
Is here groups by interest or only PICs users?

- 6th December 2008, 18:56
Here we do PICs that are supported be MeLabs Pic Basic or Pic Basic Pro.
Most here are hobbyist.