View Full Version : from rs-232 to i2c and rev

- 1st September 2006, 16:18
can someone to help me to write the code.
like this "http://hem.passagen.se/communication/supertuner.html"
I have 16f84a-16f628a-16f876a-16f877a

mat janssen
- 1st September 2006, 18:09
Hex code for a 16F84a is also on that site downloadable.
Look at the end of the page. There is a button for downloading the zip file.
Then look for a disassembler for the 84a. And replace the code for serial io to i2c.

- 1st September 2006, 19:21
Hex code for a 16F84a is also on that site downloadable.
Look at the end of the page. There is a button for downloading the zip file.

I know , but i want to control memories e.t.c. , like 24c256 (to write and read)