View Full Version : Who knows Swordfish ?

- 25th August 2006, 20:08
In an actual thread of the PICLIST-mailinglist, there was an artikel about mikroPASCAL (and they do BASIC, C as well!)... OOhhh, buggy.

But they mentioned swordfish from Mecanique's.

Does anybody use this compiler ? It looks very pretty (all the gadgets we want to have too), but the support-forum is empty ...

- 26th August 2006, 00:15
Well it's not mecanique who do it... it seems they only do the IDE, the same as Melabs, Proton ones.

Also, their Purchase link didn't work when i tried and seems to be a really new-kid-on-the-block one. The device support list is limited to the 18F serie.

How good it is? I don't know... who knows? There's no post on their forum. Is this so good that nobody have problem ... LMAO!

i wasn't aware of that one and only by having a look at their forum, it seems i'm not the only one ;)

Why not trying the demo and post your comments here?

David Barker
- 26th August 2006, 00:39
> Well it's not mecanique who do it... it seems they only do
> the IDE, the same as Melabs, Proton ones.

It is a 100% Mecanique product. IDE and Compiler.

> How good it is? I don't know... who knows? There's no post on their
> forum. Is this so good that nobody have problem

The reason there is no forum activity is that it hasn't been released yet (November 2006) and the BETA postings are hidden. However, here are some links to commericial products that have been written in Swordfish, so it's pretty robust...


It wouldn't be right for me to discuss Swordfish any further on this forum. However, if anyone has any questions please feel free to contact me by email

[email protected]