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View Full Version : bootloader file 10 mhz

emmett brown
- 25th August 2006, 02:43
I've e-mailed Mechanique several times in order to obtain a 10 Mhz bootloader file for a 16F877 at 10 Mhz but have had no reply. The 4Mhz and 20Mhz files I have, have only two characters in both files that are different. AE in the 4Mhz file and 7A in the 20 Mhz file. Would this be where a set of characters would be for 10 Mhz and what would they be? Thanks bunches Emmett

Joe Rocci
- 25th August 2006, 11:39

I disassembled the Mecanique hex file and was able to successfully modify it for a couple different clock frequencies and baudrates, including the internal PIC oscillator (no external xtal required!). If you want to do this, go to this web site and download PIC18dis.exe:


After you run the disassembler on the .hex file, you'll get a viewable .asm file that you can modify and reassemble using MPASM.


emmett brown
- 25th August 2006, 15:38
Hands down, this is the best support I have ever experienced for ANY product I have ever purchased, Let alone the fact that many people who are worlds more intelligent in this field than I can ever hope to be, are willing to give their time. PRICELESS! Thanks so much Joe! I'm off to fire up my 10Mhz!Emmett

- 28th September 2006, 18:20
Hi Emmet,

did you have success in changing the Mecanique Hex files in order to obtain a 16f877 10 Mhz version ?

The asm files of both files returned me just 2 differences wich are

Line 29 in 4 Mhz Version rrcf 0Ch,W
Line 29 in 20 Mhz Version rrcf 40h,W

Line 180 in 4 Mhz Version rrcf 5,W
Line 180 in 20 Mhz Version rrcf 15h,W

did you have succes on finding the relation between those values ?

I have mailed Mecanique a couple of times but they don´t answer...

Regards .


David Barker
- 28th September 2006, 19:21
Please give me a fair time to respond to emails. I received this today at 17:03

> I was checking your bootloading solution yesterday and I realized
> that you have bootloader hex files for 4 Mhz and 20 Mhz for the 16F877

which isn't really a couple of times and don't answer!

- 28th September 2006, 19:26
Hi David,

you´re right !

I just have checked my outgoing message box and 2 of my 3 e-mails sent to you were blocked by e-mail server ! (I don´t know why, yet)

Anyway, I would like to say thank you very much for the file !

Regards !


emmett brown
- 29th September 2006, 00:33
Yes, they sent me one for 10 Mhz. Just takes them a little time it seems but it works fine. Emmett