View Full Version : help with compiling pic12f675 programs :(

- 20th August 2006, 23:13
hi all,
i want to compile a program for pic12f675 with pic basic pro but there is an error : " unable to find -p<pic> processor file 12f675.bas " . does anyone know how I can manage to get that file ?

- 20th August 2006, 23:16
Can you compile with another PIC i.e. 12F629 or else?

If so, be sure your PBP version support the PIC12F675. Should be at least V2.42

- 23rd August 2006, 18:38
Even if you manage to somehow get the file, you can't just use it with an earlier version of PBP. MELabs has changed some stuff around between versions in these files...

I wrote my own .bas and .inc files (back when I was using 2.30) to support the 16F81x PICs, you could do the same if you can't afford the upgrade. Start with the 12F629 files and familiarize yourself with the datasheets - you'll need to understand the registers, and how MELabs constructed their files, with the bit masking and stuff. Then make copies of the 12F629 files and edit them to support the 675.

Then I came to my senses and upgraded. Too many new chips to keep up with (rather spend my time writing code, not writing compiler support hacks).

Or, as Mister_E says, try using the 12F629 option. If you are not using the 675's ADC, it should fly - the registers are nearly identical between these 2 PICs.