View Full Version : MicroCode Studio Plus ICD

- 17th August 2006, 20:55
Some time back I was wondering if anyone had used the ICD in MCSP. I never have been able to get it to work as advertised. At the time I couldn't spend time trying it again. I just spent about an hour playing with it and I still can't get it work.

Here is the setup: MCSP latest version, 16F628A target PIC @ 4MHz, MAX232 TTL/RS232 converter, PicBasic Pro 2.46, MElabs serial programmer, no bootloader. Test program (I was playing with the comparator functions):

@ device pic16f628A, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT
@ device pic16f628A, WDT_ON
@ device pic16f628A, PWRT_ON
@ device pic16f628A, MCLR_OFF
@ device pic16f628A, BOD_ON
@ device pic16F628A, LVP_OFF
@ device pic16F628A, CPD_OFF
@ device pic16f628A, PROTECT_OFF

TRISA = %11111111
TRISB = %00000000
CMCON = %00000011
VRCON = %11101000
OPTION_REG = %10000000

TP var PORTB.1

if CMCON.6 = 1 then
led = 1
led = 0
goto main

Compile with ICD and program the chip.
When I try to run it I get the highlight bar on the TRISA line then the TRISB line and maybe the CMCON line but that is as far as it ever gets. After that all I ever get is a error message that says the ICD can not communicate with the PIC.

I have verified the MAX232 converter is working (loopback to a comm program on the PC). My first attempt a few months ago was with a different converter so I'm reasonably sure its not a converter problem.

Anyone using this ICD on a real program? My two attempts have not given me much hope.
