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View Full Version : HIDMakerFS versus EasyHID

- 14th August 2006, 21:28

I have just completed initial testing of a basic HIDMaker FS application with a PIC 18F2550. I can upload and download data successfully.

My initial observations is that the VB application 'seems' cumbersome and slow. Now it can most likely be tweaked and refined, but I find the initial code quite large (10 lines of 30 bytes down to PIC, 1 byte up to PC).

At first I found EasyHID intimidating to a total newb, not quite sure what to do with what. I also thought it was very limitting with variables lengths of only 64 bytes, but I just realized now that nothing is stopping me from writing multiple records (d'uh).

For those of you that have used both software, how would you compare them? Has anyone else noticed a 'slowness' with a HIDMaker FS application?

I'm at the point where I'm deciding if it's worth continuing to refine the HIDMaker code, or start fresh with EasyHID. Either way I know I have quite a bit of work to do, I'd just like to hear about experiences and see how others might have fared.

I admit I'm leaning towards EasyHID a lot right now.


(Please don't turn this thread into a pissing contest.)

- 14th August 2006, 23:20
Sorry budy, i can't help on this one but..

I admit I'm leaning towards EasyHID a lot right now.

It's free... what do you have to loose... just time. Anyways, you already said here that your product should be release somewhere in the next 57 year ;)

(Please don't turn this thread into a pissing contest.)

I don't think so, it's not a battle between compilers ... it remind me few threads and, unfortunately some 'gone' user. I really miss them.

- 14th August 2006, 23:31
Correction: 56.5 years now. :P

I've been doing a lot of reading on EasyHID, it's easier to swallow after having gotten one application running with HIDMaker.

I just can't get over this error on this Connect statement:

Private Sub Form_Load()
' do not remove!
ConnectToHID (Me.hWnd)
End Sub


I know I'm missing a file or something simple, I just don't know what. I've copied MCHID.dll to the folder where I am working and also into the VB6 main folder and I still get the error.


- 14th August 2006, 23:42
D'uh, I'm an idiot...

I was opening just the Form, I should have opened the entire VB project.

Now it works when I compile an executable.


- 15th August 2006, 08:01
LMAO! s.h.i.t. happen!