View Full Version : Modified include files

Joe Rocci
- 14th August 2006, 15:16
I'm trying to modify the PIC18F2620 include files so that my programs will, by default, compile/assemble with the oscillator mode set to internal and 4MHz.

This line:
will set the default oscillator mode to internal (with Fosc/4 coming out on RA6), but the default frequency for this mode seems to be 1MHz and not the 4MHz I want.

Can someone tell me how to add/modify the include file to set the frequency to 4MHz?



- 14th August 2006, 16:07
This is actually a 2-part process, not just a setting in the CONFIG bits but also within your program initialisation...

Go look at the DATASHEET section 2 for Ocillator Configurations, scroll down to the OSCCON Register settings... within your program you must set OSCCON for the speed you require as you've got 8 selections from 31kHz to 8MHz (default I believe is 1MHz). So within your program you must set something like...


...and if you have timing critical functions, then follow that with...


to ensure your program pauses there until the Oscillator is stable.

Joe Rocci
- 14th August 2006, 18:39
Thanks Melanie,

I figured it all out and got it to work a little earlier today. I'm finally where I wanted to be a couple days ago...I have a Microcode Studio Plus compatible loader file that works with the PIC's internal oscillator.

I finally got it to work by disassembling the MicroCode Stuio loader hex file, finding the place where the UART initialization happens, modifying/adding some setups, and reassembling.

Works like a charm!
