View Full Version : Build PIC bootloader firmware in PBP?

Joe Rocci
- 13th August 2006, 10:26
Has anyone done or seen an implementation of the PIC firmware part of a PIC bootloader system implemented in PBP? Over on the Oshonsoft website, they have the source code for a bootloader implemented under their Basic compiler (http://www.oshonsoft.com/picbootloader.html), but for maintainability purposes I'd like to do the same under PBP.



Joe Rocci
- 13th August 2006, 10:28
The closing parenthesis on the above link shouldn't be part of the url. It should be:



- 18th August 2006, 19:25

What PIC are you using? I think it is easier to do this with a 18PIC since PBP handles the mamory allocation in a better way. I am in the middle of something similar but if you don't have a monster memory PIC i suggest you use one of the availible loaders in the market. My project is reading from a external eeeprom and writing to the flash memory... still far from finnished but it is allready almost 3000 words big. But we all know I2C eats code.....

ASM is the way to go if you want a small Loader and there are may good ones out there.


Joe Rocci
- 18th August 2006, 19:53
Thanks for the reply.

Actually, I am using an 18F part - the 18F2620. I already managed to modify a Mecanique MicroCode Studio loader by disassembling it, making the code changes, and reassembling it. It now works quite well for my purposes, using the PIC's internal 8MHz clock. The next thing I wanted to try was to modify the code so that there are 2 serial ports - the hardware port dedicated to the loader and a software port for my application. Once I do this, I hope to eliminate the need for a PIC reset in order to reload. I think I should be able to use the dedicated loader port to download new code any time I want to talk to it.

Anyway, in musing about this, I thought it might be easier to do some of the things I wanted if the code was implemented in the PBP environment. However I do recognize that major sections of assembly code are unavoidable.
