View Full Version : LCD top notch gizzmo

- 12th August 2006, 11:56
Just a couple of random questions. I'm using a pic 16f88 or picaxe-18 . How can I save more than one string of characters, I have already used EEPROM 0,(" .....")?
And, how do you dsplay a hex value on the lcd? i.e from the adc. So far I can only do it by converting the adc value into ascii so it can be diplayed. Kinda takes up abit too much memory!
I look foward to your response

- 12th August 2006, 19:09
It depend how much strings.. if it fit the internal EEPROM you may need a structure to make life easy. If it don't fit in the internal EEPROM, you can still use an external one OR use something like...

They're a whole thread here about that called 'embedded strings in your codespace'

How toi display HEX? LCDOUT HEX YourVar