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View Full Version : SerialPort access in visual basic express ed

- 10th August 2006, 06:49
I am trying to write a code to read/write from/to a microcontroller via a serialport terminal using visual studio express edition. Has anyone done it before and can provide sample code?.


- 15th August 2006, 13:32
Hi, Gary

Have a look here : www.rentron.com/VisualBasic.htm


- 20th August 2006, 18:07
Hey Alain...and yes i am everywhere ;)
Thanks for the Link...i still have to convert from Vb6.0 code to the new visual basic express.Have you tried it it's free

- 20th August 2006, 20:05

In .NET 2.0, the functionality of the MSCOMM control is restored in the form
of the SerialPort control (located under the Components tab in the Toolbox).

See this article + sample code:

Best regards,


- 24th August 2006, 19:32
Thanks luciano for the great link..I learned a lot from it. But i still have one thing that i can't quiete figure out which is how to recieve the data from the microcontroller. I am currently sending one byte at a time. and what is the idea behind the delegate?

- 24th August 2006, 21:59

In .NET 2.0, the functionality of the MSCOMM control is restored in the form
of the SerialPort control (located under the Components tab in the Toolbox).

See this article + sample code:

Best regards,


Hooray :)

I looked at VBdotNET when it first came out and was totally stumped. Without exception, ALL my VB 6 projects have at least one Comm port in them and even the Microsoft import wizard gave up on trying to convert my projects.

I have also only ever worked on one ASPdotNET project. Someone at work decided that a project with a pretty short deadline should be done in ASP.NET even though non of us had any experience of it although a couple of people had been on a course.

Because I was familiar with ordinary ASP, I created a mockup of what I wanted the project to look like and it was fully functional within a day.

Trying to get the same thing done in ASP.NET took weeks and even then a couple of things that were a doddle in my mockup couldnt be achieved. It may well have been possible but non of us had enough experience to make it happen.

I might be persuaded to take another look at .NET now it has matured a bit and there is probably a bit more info on the internet by now :)