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- 20th July 2006, 15:57

sorry to post a question but I've been trying for hours now and have been reading through other problems trying to find an answer.

I was very interested in this post:


where sean-h posted this:

"Using easyhid is not that bad.

Basic steps are run up the easyhid program and set the basics like Pid/Vid and buffer size for bytes you want to send back and forth from PC to Pic.

It then by default creates two folders under a top level folder called USBProject

The first folder is PICBasicPRO

This contains the basic code you will need for your pic chip and the include files, do not rename or move this directory once it is created, work from this location.
It will create a example PBP file called USBProject.pbp"

I have done exactly this and have not moved the files created but when I try to compile the "USBProject" in Microcode Studio, the Results box throws up this error:

Fatal c:\progra~1\picbas~1.46\pbp\pbpusb18.lib 11 : [302]Unable to Open File '\PBP\PBPPIC18.lib'

I believe I've had a similar error before but can't remember how I resolved it. Any help is much appreciated



- 21st July 2006, 09:22

after another couple of hours last night, I realised that the pbpusb18.lib file includes the file "PBPPIC18.lib" from the default location of Pic Basic Pro i.e. c:\PBP\. I renamed the folder after I installed it but I have never had this problem before (I have never tried to do USB before now though!)

I have renamed the folder to PBP now which has resolved the first issue but now I have another problem:

Fatal USBDESC.ASM 5 : [302] unable to open file 'descusbproject.asm'

I have tried copying these files, which were created by Easy HID, into the PBP folder but it makes no difference.

Please help me

Thanks a lot


- 25th July 2006, 09:01
I have figured out how to do it now (after a fair few painful hours!)

- 4th January 2007, 16:29
I have the same problem. Can you tell me how you did?

Thx Stefan

- 4th January 2007, 18:58
I have the same problem. Can you tell me how you did?

Thx Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I can't remember exactly how I did fix it as this was a while ago now but I will have a look when I get in to work tomorrow and then let you know.



- 5th January 2007, 09:02
Hi Stefan,

you need to make sure that you have the Pic Basic Pro folder installed to C:\PBP.

Next, make sure that you have the files created by Easy HID somewhere close to the root of the drive e.g. C:\Pic Programs\HID Prog 1 or something along those lines. I had my files in a folder on the Desktop which creates a long file path and this was causing my error.

I think, but can't remember for sure, that you also need to use the MPASM assembler from "View, Compile and Program Options...".

Let me know if this helps. If not, post exactly what the problem is you are having and I (or someone else) maybe able to help you further.



- 5th January 2007, 22:50
When I chosed the MPASM as assembler I did'nt get the error anymore.
But now I have another problem with MicroCode as you can see here:

It works fine to use MPASM instead of MPASMWIN but since mcsp on my old computer use MPASMWIN I would really like to know why they behave different.
Both computers have XP Pro and all programing software are the same.

I hope someone can explain this to me.



- 6th January 2007, 16:07
When I chosed the MPASM as assembler I did'nt get the error anymore.

Actually, please disregard my post that says you need to use MPASM - it's complete rubbish. When I checked I was actually using the PM assembler.

The error you are getting "usbdesc.asm 5 : Cannot open file (Include File "DESCUsbProject.ASM" not found.
I also get when I compile on a different computer. If I'm totally honest, I really can't remember how I resolved it. I will have a play over the weekend here and if I find how to correct it I will post here. Sorry I can't be of any more help at the moment.



- 6th January 2007, 18:19
If you're compiling for an 18F PIC, then you definitely have to use the MPASM
assembler. The PM assembler does not support the 18F series.