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View Full Version : TTL Oscilator

Armando Herjim
- 22nd June 2006, 04:37
Hello everybody, once again itīs me!!

Hey can anybody tell me how can I found out how to connect an oscillator I have here?? It has 4 pins and I donīt know how to use it. Or how can I find a datasheet for this thing??

Thank you!!

- 22nd June 2006, 04:55
Hi Armando,

"Oscillators" or "Clock Oscillators" that are in the 4 pin "can", generally follow a standard IC pin out count.

The pins are counted like a standard DIP chip.
Except that the pins not located at the 4 corners are omitted (and still counted).

Some come in a "8 pin" footprint. Some have a "14" pin footprint.
Generally they have:
a V+ pin (3.3V or 5V), a ground pin (sometimes two), an output pin.

Just Google the part number and the data sheet should give you all the information needed.
If you have trouble, post the markings and someone will help look it up.


Armando Herjim
- 22nd June 2006, 22:01
Adam thank you once again. I think I have here a clock oscillator and y tried to look for the datasheet on google but didnīt find anything. The clock oscillator has this:
0114: JPN

I donīt recognize the logo but in seems to be three diagonal lines like this:
inside a square... thatīs it. I hope thatīs helpfull enough to you and that you have a helpfull tip for me...

Thanks to all!!

- 23rd June 2006, 01:55
Hi Armando,

I donīt recognize the logo but in seems to be three diagonal lines like this:
inside a square... thatīs it.
Not going to be much help for you.

The logo you described could be:
NDK America, Inc.
NDK Logo (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=932&stc=1&d=1151023585)

Or maybe:
NDK Japan, Inc.
NDK Japan Logo (http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=933&stc=1&d=1151023646)

I didn't find any part numbers containing:
1633 OR 0114: JPN, but they do make Clock Oscillators

